MSME Idea Hackathon 4.0

Ministry of MSME has launched “MSME Idea Hackathon 4.0” on 11.09.2024 by Hon'ble Minister of MSME. Ideas are being invited under MSME Idea Hackathon 4.0 from Youngsters aged between 18-35 from all over India under MSME Innovative Scheme. MSME Idea Hackathon 4.0 is live at & the portal will be open till 26.09.2024.

👉 click here to more details

👉 Instructions to shortlist Ideas received under MSME Idea Hackathon 4.0 by Host Institutes (HIs)

👉 MSME Idea Hackathon 4.0 Instructions for Participation-2

motorchip aiflasksideasketch website toygearbiotechnologydata-complexitypromotioncomputersoftwareweb-design idea-1 creativitymicroscopechemistrymodelassemblyplay-outlined-circular-buttonpausecreative open-bookteamwork-team gaugegoallaboratory mathematicsatommechanicmicroscope-1 factory sketch-1 charitysystempistonscruise envelopefacebook-placeholder-for-locate-places-on-mapssmartphone-callold-typical-phoneuserantennacoding computers-network-interface-symbolsearchgoodwillplay-buttonpause-1 tickleft-arrow