Name Dr. G. A. Sathish Kumar
Designation Professor & Head of the Department
Areas of Interest Network Security and Cryptography Networking
Room No. 14-209
Intercom No. 200
Mobile 9445265296
Email Id (Official)
Email Id (Personal)
Academic Experience
Courses Handled
Research & Consultancy

Research Publications
Anna University Recognized Supervisor

PhD guiding : Part time: 9 Full Time: 2

Funded Project:
Dr.G.A.Sathish Kumar, Professor of EC Department received Rs 13.32 lakhs funds from ISRO under the RESPOND scheme for the project “Design and Development of Key exchange mechanism for high security Applications” for a period of two years.

Sathishkumar, G.A. “A Hardware Implementation Of Winograd Fourier Transform Algorithm For Cryptography”, Ubiquotous Computing and Communication Journal Vol. 3, No. 4, 2008.

1. Dr.G.A.Sathish kumar,
J.Jency Rubia A high speed fixed width floating point multiplier using residue logarithmic number system algorithm. International journal of Electrical Engineering Education.Pp:1-15
Impact factor:0.941 Web of Science Group, SCI Index, Scopus Annexure –I 0.941 Nil December 2018
2. Dr.G.A.Sathish kumar
Jency Rubia
FIR Filter Design Using Floating Point Radix 4 Algorithm International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education Web of Science Group, SCI Index, Scopus, and Google Scholar Annexure – I 0.941 NIL 27th November, 2019
3. Dr.G.A.Sathish kumar
Jency Rubia
FIR Filter Design Using Floating point Column Bypassing Technique International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering. Volume-8 Issue-2S4. Scopus, Cross ref, and Google Scholar. 5.92 NIL July 2019
4. Dr.G.A.Sathish kumar
Jency Rubia
Design And Analysis Of Low Power Fixed-Width Multiplier Using Reduced Precision Redundancy Block (RPR) IOSR Journal of VLSI and Signal Processing
vol. 9, no. 6, Cross ref, and Google Scholar 2.82 Nil December-2019

1. R.Kousalya,Dr.G.A.Sathish Kumar IEEE International Conference on Vision Towards Emerging Trends in Communication and Networking (ViTECoN) conducted by VIT, Vellore (I/C) A Survey of Light Weight Cryptographic Algorithm for Information Security and Hardware Efficiency in Resource Constrained Devices. March 2019
2. B.Sarala,Dr.G.A.Sathish Kumar IEEE International Conference on Vision Towards Emerging Trends in Communication and Networking (ViTECoN), conducted by VIT, Vellore (I/C) RNS to Decimal and Sign Detector using Scaling for an RNS 3 Moduli set {2n-1, 2n, 2n+1} March 2019
3. Poomagal,Dr.G.A.Sathish kumar
Deval Mehta International Conference On Science Engineering And Supply Chain Management (ICSESCM-19)” 22-23, November-2019, IFERP, Chennai. Implementation of Two level Key Exchange Mechanism based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography 0 November-2019
4. Poomagal,Dr.G.A.Sathish kumar
Deval Mehta International Virtual Conference on Artificial Intelligence for IoT (AIIOT-2019), 4th December, 2019, Vellore Institute of Technology(VIT), Vellore. FPGA based Design and Implementation of modified SIDH Key Exchange Algorithm 0 December-2019
5. Jency Rubia,Dr.G.A.Sathish kumar
2nd International Conference on Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering & Technology, 18-19 July, 2019, Hirasugar Institute of Technology, Belagavi, Karnataka FIR Filter Design Using Floating point Column Bypassing Technique 0 July-2019

Sathishkumar, G.A. “Design And Study Of Scanning Technique Based Security Algorithm And It’s Applicability In Wireless Communication”, CiiT International Journal of Wireless Communication�, 2009.

Sathishkumar, G.A. “Medical Image Encryption Using Chaos Mapping For Teleradiology Applications”, International Journal of Bio Signal Processing, Vol. 1, No.2, 2010.

Sathishkumar, G.A. “Quality Analysis of a Chaotic And Hopping Stream Based Cipher Image”, Springer (LNCS), Advanced Computing (CICS Series), Vol.133, 2011.

Sathishkumar, G.A. “A Novel Image Encryption Algorithm Using Two Chaotic Maps for Medical Application”, Springer (LNCS), Advances in Computer Science and Information Technology Computing (CICS Series), Vol.131, 2011.

Sathishkumar, G.A. “Image Encryption Based on Diffusion and Multiple Chaotic Maps”, International Journal of Network Security and its Applications, Vol. 3 No. 2, 2011.

Sathishkumar, G.A. “A Novel Algorithm for Image Encryption by Integrated Pixel Scrambling Plus Diffusion [IISPD] Utilizing Duo Chaos Mapping Applicability in Wireless Systems”, Elsevier Journal of Proceedia of Computer Science ,Vol. 3 pp. 378- 387, 2011.

Sathishkumar, G.A. “A Novel Algorithm for Crypto key Generation By Unification of Encoding Plus Image Pixel Shuffling and Chaotic Blended Blum Blum Shub Generator and its Applicability in Image Based Cryptosystems”, European Journal of Scientific Research ISSN 1450-216X, Vol.55, No.2 , pp.301-313, 2011.

Sathishkumar, G.A. “A Novel Image Encryption Algorithm Using Pixel Shuffling and BASE 64 Encoding Based Chaotic Block Cipher”, WSEAS transaction on computers, Vol.10, No. 6, pp. 169-178, 2011.

Sathishkumar, G.A. “Chaotic Image Encryption Using Modular Addition and Combinatorial techniques”, International Arab Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 12, No. 2,�March 2015pp�110-117.

Sathishkumar, G.A. “Design and Implementation of ALU chip using D3L logic and ancient mathematics”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology ,Vol.4,Issue 14 April 2016.

Sathishkumar, G.A. “Modular Multiplication Algorithm in Cryptographic processor: A Review and Future Directions”, International Journal of Advances in Computer and Electronics Engineering,Vol.2,Issue 2,February 2017.

Sathishkumar, G.A. A Novell VLSI Archiecture For An Integrated Crypto Processor, IEEE-INDICON 2005 IIT Madras,December 11-13,2005.

Sathishkumar, G.A. “Hardware Implementation of Hopping Stream cipher”, National Conference on Trends in Communication(NCTC 08),SONA College of technology, Salem, Feb 7-9,2008.

Sathishkumar, G.A. “A LUT Based Image Encryption by Chaotic Maps”, National Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Technologies, Anand Institute of Technology, Chennai 2009.

Sathishkumar, G.A. “An improved s-box based algorithm for efficient image encryption”International Conference On Electronics and Information Engineering (ICEIE), held in Japan 1-3 Aug. 2010.

Sathishkumar, G.A.”Performance Analysis of various Parameters of a Unified Approach for Image Encryption and Compression Technique (UAIECT)”, IETE conference Feb28-March 1, 2011.

Sathishkumar, G.A. “Digital Image Encryption using Matrix and Non-Linear Pixel Transformation”, International Conference on Computer Communication and Electrical Technology (ICCCET 2011) on 18th and 19th March 2011.

Sathishkumar, G.A. “A color image encryption technique based on a substitutionpermutation network”, International Conference on Computer Communication and Electrical Technology (ICCCET 2011) on 18th and 19th March 2011.

Sathishkumar, G.A. “A Secure Triple Level Encryption Method Using Cryptography and Steganography”, International Conference on Computer Science and Network Technology (ICCSNT 2011) held in Harbin Normal University, Harbin, China Dec 24- 26, 2011.

Sathishkumar, G.A. “Image Encryption Using Random Pixel Permutation by Chaotic Mapping”, 2012 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Informatics (ISCI 2012) held in Penang, Malaysia March 18 – 20, 2012.

Sathish Kumar.G.A., “A survey paper on Modern technologies in Fixed Width Multiplier”, 4TH International Conference on Signal Processing, Communication and Networking (ICSCN�17) held in MIT Campus ,Anna University,16th -18th March 2017.


Network Security, Networking, and Cryptography

Conference / Workshop / FDP

Work shop on VLSI Design – conducted by CDAC ,Hyderabad – Jan 28 to Feb 1 2002

Workshop – Pre Conference Tutorials Conducted by International Conference On Intelligent Sensing and Information Processing (ICISIP ),Le meridian ,Chennai, Jan 4-7 2004

Workshop – Pre Conference Tutorials Conducted by International Conference On Intelligent Sensing and Information Processing (ICISIP ), Le meridian ,Chennai Jan 4-7 2005

Workshop – Pre Conference Tutorials Conducted by IEEE INDCON,IIT Madras, December 11-13.

Staff Development Programme on “FUTURE TRENDS AND PERSPECTIVES IN INFORMATION SERVICES AND NETWORKING”, conducted by Dept of CSE ,Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering ,Sriperumbudur-602105,Oct 22 to 26 2007.

Workshop on MATLAB Conducted by National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research ,Taramani, Chennai -113December 1& 2 2007

Workshop on “Design Trends in Deep-Submicro CMOS VLSI” Conducted by DEPT OF ECE ,Anna University, Chennai March28&29 2008.

One day seminar on latest trends in EDA tools Trident Tech labs ,Aug 29,2010

Workshop on “Hands on training using PSOC for Biomedical applications”, SSN College of Engineering, kelambakkam, Chennai Sept 17&18 2010.

“One day Workshop on Optical Signal and Image Processing Technique”, VIT University, Chennai Campus. Jan 19, 2013.

Workshop on “R&D project proposals-awareness, needs and benefits”, Anna University, Chennai 28/06/2013.

Workshop course in “Wireless sensor networks and green telecom networks”, IETE Chennai centre, 14/09/2013 & 15/09/2013.

AICTE sponsored national seminar on “MIMO wireless communication and future networks”, R.M.K.College of Engineering and technology, 2/12/2013 &3/12/2013.

One day MATLAB workshop on “Image processing and Wireless Communication”, Pondicherry University,Pondicherry, 09/12/2013.

National level seminar on “cryptography and network security” , Saranathan College of Engineering, Trichy,24/01/2014 and 25/01/2014.

Workshop on “R&D proposals-awareness, needs and benefits” Anna University, Chennai , 26/02/2014.

The Asian workshop on Symmetric key cryptography, SETS Chennai, December 19-22, 2014.

Conference / Workshop Conducted:
Organized Technical Symposium for ECE Department<>

Organized Workshop on Modern Antennas and RF Engineering

Coordinator for National Conference on Wireless Networks and Security July 2008

Coordinator for National Conference on Wireless Networks and Security July 2008

Coordinator for National Conference on Next Generation Communication Systems and Techniques April 2011

Coordinator for National Level Conference on Signal Processing, Communication and Networking April 2012

Coordinator for National Level Workshop on Applications of Signal and image Processing, December 2013 Coordinator for One Day workshop on COMSOL Multiphysics Feb 2014

Coordinator for National Level Workshop on Applications of Advances in Information and Technology 2014

Laboratory Handled
Training Attended
Additional Responsibilities

Autonomous Coordinator-1,

AMC Member,

Module Coordinator.

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