Name | Dr. Vishnuprasad |
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Areas of Interest | Material Science, Nanomaterials, Nanofluids, Colloids and phase change materials, Heat transfer. |
Room No. | 6103 |
Intercom No. | |
Mobile | 7561873717 |
Email Id (Official) | vishnuprasad@svce.ac.in |
Email Id (Personal) | vishnuprasad215@gmail.com |
Ph.D. – Chemical Engineering (March 2021)
National Institute of Technology Calicut, Kozhikode, India
M. Tech – Chemical Engineering (May 2015)
Kongu Engineering College, Erode, India
B. Tech – Chemical Engineering (May 2013)
Erode Sengunthar Engineering College, Erode. India
Paper Presented in
1. International Conference on Green Energy for Environmental sustainability (ICGEES 2020) organized by National Institute of Technology Calicut on 5th-6th August 2020.
2. 3rdInternational Heat and Mass Transfer Conference organized by ISHMT and ASTFE on 28th to 31stDecember 2019 at IIT Roorkee, Uttarakhand.
3. 4thInternational Conference on Technology Development on Agriculture, Energy and Environmental Engineering for Green World (ICTDAEEGW-15) on 23rd and 24th February 2015 organized by VCEW, Tamil Nadu.
4. National Conference on ‘Advances in Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Future’ (AETSF-2015) at Kongu Engineering College on 28th March 2015.
Participated in
1. MHRD sponsored FDP on ‘Advanced Techniques in Energy and Wastewater Treatment’ conducted during 02-07 July 2018 at NIT Calicut.
2. 4th PSG-CNSE Seminar on ‘Solar Energy Systems, Innovations and Business Entrepreneurship’ during 18-19 August organized by PSG Institute of Advanced Studies, Coimbatore.
3. TEQIP II sponsored National Workshop on ‘Molecular Characterization Techniques’ during 03-06 August 2016 organized by GEC Calicut.