
Name | Dr. S. Stanly |
Designation | Professor & Head of the Department |
Areas of Interest | Environmental Chemistry, Photo Catalysis & Waste Water Treatment |
Room No. | 13-102 |
Intercom No. | 169 & 858 |
Mobile | 9841552272 |
Email Id (Official) | |
Email Id (Personal) | |
- Ph.D. (Environmental Chemistry) – Anna University – 2005
- M.Sc. (Environmental Sciences) – Bharathidasen University – 1993
- B.Sc. (Chemistry) – Madurai Kamaraj University – 1990
- Life Member – ISTE
- Life Member – ACT
Academic Experience
- Associate Professor : July 2017 – Till date
- Assistant Professor : June 2006 – June 2017
- Senior Lecturer : April 2002 – May 2006
- Lecturer : August 1994 – March 2002
Courses Handled
- Applied Chemistry
- Engineering Chemistry
- Technical Chemistry
- Environmental Scienc and Engineering
- CY22161-Chemistry Laboratory
- Engineering Chemistry-I & II
- Applied Chemistry
- Chemistry I & II
- Environmental Science and Engineering
- Physical Sciences Lab
- Physics Chemistry Lab
- Physical Chemistry Lab
- Boiler Chemistry Lab
- Technical & Instrumental Analysis Lab
- Chemical Analysis lab
- Technical Analysis Lab
- Engineering Chemistry
- Boiler Chemistry Lab
- Chemistry Laboratory
Research & Consultancy
- Hierarchical nanostructures of In-SnO2 with enhanced photo catalytic activity for the degradation of RR 120 dye, LR Carolin, SSA Samuel, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 31 (15), 12796-12806 (August 2020)
- Comparative studies of crystal violet dye removal between semiconductor nanoparticles and natural adsorbents. R Priya, S Stanly, SB Dhanalekshmi, F Mohammad, HA Al-Lohedan, Optik 206, 164281 (2020)
- Highly effective photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue using PrO2-MgOnanocomposites under UV light. R Priya, S Stanly, T Kavitharani, M Faruq, S Suresh, Optik 206, 164318 (2020)
- C3N4 supported on chitosan for simple and easy recovery of visible light active efficient photocatalysts, K Thiyagarajan, S Samuel, PS Kumar, SG Babu. Bulletin of Materials Science 43 (1), 1-7 (2020)
- A waste to worth approach in preparing Ferric vanadate Nanoparticles using peel extract for photocatalytic dye degradation induced by UV light. R.Priya S. Stanly R. Anuradhaa Suresh Sagadevan. Optik Volume 194, 163085 October (2019).
- Fabrication of photocatalystMgO: CuO composite and enhancement of photocatalytic activity under UV light, R Priya, S Stanly, SB Dhanalekshmi, SSagadevan. Materials Research Express 6 (12), 125023 (2019)
- Evaluation of photocatalytic activity of copper ferrite nanoparticles. R Priya, S Stanly, Anuradha and Suresh Sagadevan. Mater. Res. Express 6, 095014 July (2019).
- Photocatalytic and optical properties of NiO added NepheliumlappaceumL.peel extract: An attempt to convert waste to a valuable product. T. Adinaveen, ThenmozhiKarnan, Stanly Arul Samuel Selvakumar. Heliyon, Volume 5, Issue 5, e01751, May (2019)
- NiO/C3N4: hybrid photocatalyst for the enhanced photodegradation of organic pollutant under visible light, K Thiyagarajan, S Samuel, SG Babu, Materials Research Express 5 (11), 115503 (2018)
- Biosynthesis of ZnO nanoparticles using rambutan (NepheliumlappaceumL.) peel extract and thierphotocatalytic activity on methyl orange dye K. Thenmozhi and S. Stanly Journal of Molecular Structure, 1125, 358-365 (2016).
- A novel bio-mimetic approach for the fabrication of Bi2O3 nanoflakes from rambutan (Nepheliumlappaceum L.) peel extract and thierphotocatalytic activity K. Thenmozhi and S. Stanly Ceramics International, 42, 4779-4787 (2016).
- Visible light induced photocatalytic degradation of azo dye by Bi2O3 nanoparticles synthesized using greener route. T Karnan, SAS Selvakumar, T Adinaveen, J Suresh, Int. J. Sci. Eng. Res. 7 (8) (2016)
- Isopropylation of Ethylbenzene using MCM-41 and Metals substituted MCM-41 S.Selvakumar, S.Stanly and BanumathiArabindoo. Asian J chem., 22(7), 5313-5322 (2010).
- Removal of Chromium (VI) from aqueous solutions using Activated Carbon prepared from Flame tree seed coat S.Stanly, S.Selvakumar and BanumathiArabindoo. Asian J chem., 21(9), 6877-6884 (2009).
Conference / Workshop / FDP
- Participated in One day FDP on “Modern Applications of Nanofibres and Nanomembranes” conducted by Department of Chemistry in association with Institution’s Innovation Council, Rajalakshmi College on 4th May 2023
- Participated in the NATIONAL WEBINAR on “Atom by Atom Engineering in Cluster Science” held on 6th February, 2023, organised by ETHIRAJ COLLEGE FOR WOMEN (AUTONOMOUS) CHENNAI-600008.
- Participated in 3 days Faculty Development program- The Art of Living (Capacity Building for Productivity Enhancement) from 09th – 11th January 2023
- Attended a workshop on “PLC and Automation” organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, held on 27 th and 28 th December 2022.
- Participated in One day workshop on “Innovations in Material Testing for Industries” held on 7th Oct. 2022 organized by Department of Applied Physics SVCE.
- Participated in the One-day Workshop on “Innovations in Material testing for industries” organized by Department of Applied Physics, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Chennai, on 7th October 2022.
- Participated in the Six-day Online Faculty Development Programme on “Applied Thermodynamics for Engineers” Organized by Department of Automobile Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, from 31/03/2022- 07/04/2022
- Participated in the Disaster Awareness Programme conducted by Sri SathyaSaiSeva Organization, Tamil N?du on 21/05/2022.
- Participated in the Indo-Norwegian International Online Conference on FARAON-2022 Organized by Institute for Energy Technology(IFE), University of Oslo(Vio), Norway and Madurai Kamaraj University, India from 02/02/2022-04/02/2022
- Participated in the National Level Webinar on “MOOC for Educators – Transition to E-0Learning” organized by Department of Applied Physics, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Chennai, on 1st June 2020.
- Participated in the Virtual International Webinar on “Smart Topics in Chemistry” organized by Department of Chemistry, Government Arts College, Trichy, on 1st and 2nd June 2020
- Participated in the National Level Webinar on “Recent Technologies for Environmental Pollution Prevention and Control” organized by Department of Chemical Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, on 5th June 2020.
- Participated in the National Level Webinar “Separation of Ultra-small Noble Metal Nano-clusters using PAGE technique” organized by Department of Applied Chemistry, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Chennai, on 19th June 2020.
- Participated in the International Webinar on “Green Energy and Technology” organized by the Department of Chemistry, Kings Engineering College, Chennai, on 19th June 2020.
- Participated in the National Level Webinar on “Corrosion and its control initiation in Environments” organized by Department of Chemistry, Kings Engineering College, Chennai, on 13th June 2020.
- Participated in the National Level Webinar on “Metal Complexes as Anticancer Agents” organized by Department of Chemistry, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Chennai, on 11th June 2020.
- Participated in the National Level Webinar on “Wind Energy in India – Status & Future Prospects” organized by Department of Chemistry, S.A. Engineering College, Chennai, on 17th June 2020.
- Participated in the National Level Webinar on “Intermolecular Bonding” organized by Department of Chemistry, Women’s Christian College, Chennai, on 16th June 2020.
- Participated in a Webinar on “Nanomaterials for Environmental Applications” organized by Department of Physics, Kings Engineering College, Chennai, on 20th June 2020.
- Participated in the Webinar on “Effective Use of Lockdown Time to Enhance Your Scientific Writing and Networking Skills” organized by the Department of Chemistry, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, on 2nd July 2020.
- Participated in the Webinar on “Facts and Myths of Coronavirus – COVID -19” conducted by Department of Chemistry, Sacred Heart College, Chennai, on 9th June 2020.
- Participated in the National Level E-quiz on “Green Chemistry” conducted by the Department of Chemistry, Periyar E. V. R. College, Trichy, on 18th June 2020.
- Participated in a “Leadership Talk with Shri. R. Subrahmanyam” organized by MHRD’s Innovation Cell on 13th June 2020.
- Participated in the Webinar on “Road Map to get a Quality Patent” organized by Department of Automobile Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Chennai, on 12th June 2020.
- Participated in the Webinar on “Biomedical Waste and Environmental Safety Towards Healthy Future” organized by the Department of Chemistry, Thiru Kolanjiappar Government, Vridhachalam, on 6th June 2020.
- Participated in the two day online FDP on “Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)” conducted by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Chennai, on 5th and 6th June 2020.
- Participated in the Workshop as Webinar series on “Opportunities and Challenges for Chemical Engineers” organized by Department of Chemical Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Chennai, during 6th – 10th June 2020.
- Participated in the National Webinar on “Achieving Excellence in Higher Education in India in the 21st Century : Challenges and Opportunities” organized by School of Business & IQAC, Sharda University, on 3rd June 2020.
- Participated in an International webinar on “FOODS: FABULOUS MEDICINES” organised by Government Arts College for Women, Salem held on 26.06.2020
- Participated in the International Virtual Conference on “INNOVATIVE RESEARCH IN CHEMICAL SCIENCES (IRCS-2020)” organized by the Department of Chemistry, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram Campus, Chennai-89 during 29th and 30th June, 2020.
- Participated in the webinar on “Strategies to Motivate & Train the Student for the Academic Knowledge acquirement during COVID-19 ” organised by S A Engineering College, Chennai held on 26.06.2020
- Participated in the One-day Online Webinar On “Principles and fabrication of electrodes for electrochemical sensor applications” programme organized by Department of Chemistry, Latha Mathavan Arts & Science College, Kidaripatti, Madurai on 30th June 2020.
- Participated in the National level Online Learning cum e-Quiz programme Today’s Tools for Tomorrow’s Teaching organised by Department of Education, IDE, University of Madras on 05-072020
- Participated in virtual scientific event ‘‘WEBINAR ON FRONTIERS IN CHEMICAL SCIENCES’’ Organized by Department of Chemistry, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Odisha from 06th – 10th July 2020
- Participated in the Pictorial E-Quiz on ”Chemistry Around us”organised by the Department of Chemistry, Queen Mary’s College, Chennai on 18/07/2020
- Participated in Online Faculty Development Program (FDP) on “Emerging Trends in Energy, Environment and Nanomaterials (EEN 2020)” organised by Department of Applied Chemistry held from 24 July 2020 to 30 July 2020.
- Successfully completed Cameras, Exposure, and Photography an online non-credit course authorized by Michigan State University and offered through Coursera
- Successfully completed Air Pollution – a Global Threat to our Health an online non-credit course authorized by University of Copenhagen and offered through Coursera
- Successfully completed The Sustainable Development Goals – A global, transdisciplinary vision for the future an online non-credit course authorized by University of Copenhagen and offered through Coursera.
- Successfully completed Fundamentals of Management an online non-credit course authorized by University of California, Irvine and offered through Coursera.
- Presented a paper with my Scholar in AICTE sponsored online International Conference on Smart Materials and Emerging Technologies for Industry 4.0 Organised by Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Pennalur on 16th and 17th October, 2020
- Participated in the AICTE sponsored one week QIP Short Term Course on ?NMR Spectroscopy for Pharma and Biotech Research? during 20 ? 24 May 2019 at IIT Bombay, Mumbai.
- Participated in QIP Short Term Course on ?Fundamental and Practical Aspects of Corrosion? during 22 ? 26 June 2019 at IIT Kanpur, Kanpur.
- Presented a paper entitled “Nephellium Lappaceum L. peel extraxt – assisted Green Synthesis of NiO nanoparticles and their photocatalytic activity” in 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Analytical Chemistry, ICORTAC-2018, during 15-17 March 2018 organized by Department of Analytical Chemistry, University of Madras, Chennai.
- Participated in FDP on “Stem Cell Characterization & Advances in its Research and Applications” sponsored by AICTE & organized by Department of Biotechnology, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Sriperumbudur, held from 27th November to 8th December 2017.
- Partcipated in the AICTE sponsored two week FDP on “Theory and Performance Evaluation of Automotive Vehicle Subsystems using Modern Tools and Equipment” organized by Department of Automobile Engineering conducted during November 6 – 21, 2017.
- Participated in “Prof.T.Raju, Felicitation Seminar on Chromatographic Technique” held at School of Chemical Sciences Auditorium, University of Madras, Guindy Campus, Vhennai on June 29, 2017.
- FDP on Characterization of Materials conducted by Department of Physics, Sri Sairam Institute of Technology, West tambaram, Chennai, 20th & 21st July 2017.
- Attended a Workshop on “Hands on Training in Composites Preform Formation, Techniques and its Characterization held at PSGTECHS COE INDUTECH, Neelambur, Coimbatore, 15th and 16th June 2017.
- One day Workshop on Design of Experiments (DOE) at Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Sriperumbudur, on 12th March 2016.
- National Seminar on “Recent Trends in Organic Synthesis and Chemical Biology (RTSB-2015) at Department of Chemistry, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, October 9&10, 2015.
- Contemporary Research and Practices in Pollutant Elimination Systems Towards Cleaner Environment conducted by Department of Chemical Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Srieprumbudur from 20th to 26th May 2013.
- Attended Faculty Development Programme on “Catalysis – From Concepts to Applications” at NIT Calicut, Kerala during 04-06-2012 – 08-06-2012.
- National Seminar on “Recent Trends in Synthetic Methods and Chemistry of Natutral Products” – SMNP-2011 at Department of Chemistry, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, October 14&15, 2011.
- 14th National Symposium on Catalysis held at Anna university during December 1998.
- Presented a paper entitled Recovery of useful material from Agricultural waste in National Science Congress held at Avinasilingam Deemed University, Coimbatore from May 8th to 19th, 1998.
- Presented a paper entitled Removal of Ortho Cresol using low cost adsorbent obtained from agricultural waste at International Conference on Environment and Bio ethics held at Loyola Institute of Frontier Energy, Loyola College Chennai during January 1999.
- Presented a paper entitled Studies on Phenol removal using low cost activated carbon prepared from palm seed coat in 25th IULTCS CONGRESS held at CLRI Chennai during January 1999.
- Attended An International Webinar on “System, Values & Humanity at the time of global crisis” Conducted by Arya Mahila P.G. College, Varanasi on 11th May 2020
- Participated in the FDP, National Webinar entitled “e-Content development Methodology Four Quadrant Model, OERs and Copyright issues” Organised by Guru Agnad Dev Teaching and Learning Centre SGTB Khala College, University of Delhi Under PMMMNMTT of MHRD held on 15th May 2020
- Successfully completed National Level e-Quiz on “Conceptual Chemistry” with a percentage of 100 on 21-05-2020, conducted by PG& Research Department of Chemistry, The New College (Autonomous), Chennai along with Internal Quality Assurance Cell.
- Successfully attended Leadership Talk With Dr.Pramod Chaudhari, Founder, Chairman, Praj Industries Limited and Dr.Abhay Jere, Chief Innovation Officer MHRD Innovation Cell, Saturday, 16th May 2020 at 01.00 PM by MHRD’s Innovation
- Completed a online course “A practical guide to Environmental Science” conducted by Udmey. (The course has 33 Lectures) Date of completion 04-05-2020
- Successfully completed the online course – “ Basics in CHROMATOGRAPHY” Jointly organized by DIPAM Foundation & Sheth M N Science College, Patan between 27th April to 6th May 2020
- Successfully completed “Municipal Solid Waste Management in DevelopingCountries” an online non-credit course authorized by École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne and offered through Coursera on 19-05-2020
- Participated in the National Level Webinaron “Exercise and Diet during Quarantine & Lockdown” organized by IQAC & Department of Physical Education and Sports in Collaboration with INSIAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS, AURANNGABAD ON 12th May 2020
- Actively participated in the E–Quiz on“International Day for Biological Diversity 2020” conducted by the Centre for Environmental Education, Holy Cross College, Nagercoil, Kanyakumari District May 2020
- Actively participated in the awareness quiz on“Let’s know our Everyday Chemistry” organized by Department of Chemistry, MohamedSathak College of Arts and Science, Chennai on 18th May 2020
- Participated in the “NAAC Accreditation Management System Demo” organised by InPods Ed-Tech – on 20th May 2020.
- Actively participated in the Webinar on “Guidelines for writing arResearchPper” organized by Research Committee. Arasu Engineering College, Kumbakonam on 22.05.2020 through online pedagogy
- Participated in an online Faculty Development Programme organisedby Department of Chemistry, D.K.M. College for Women, Vellore, Tamil Nadu in association with Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay, MHRD, Govt. of India from 04.05.2020 to 10.05.2020.
- Participated in the online State Level FDP on “Online Teaching Methods and Pedagogy” Organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Science, MAR GREGORIOS COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCE in Association with BETA TECHNOLOGY, held on 7th May 2020.
- Participated in the International Webinar on HUMAN TRAFFICING AND COVID-19, organized by Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technologyin association with International Justice Mission on 14th May 2020
Laboratory Handled
Training Attended
Additional Responsibilities
- Editorial Team Member, S&H News Letter, Incharge Photography
- In- charge : Photography & Videography Club
- I year Lab In-charge
- Course coordinator (Environmental Science and Engineering – GE 18251)
- Bus In-charge Route No. 29
- SVCE Newsletter Department coordinator
- Repairs and Maintenance of equipment
- NAAC Criterion 1, 3, 7 department coordinator
- ISO Member – Academic Objectives
- To review the lesson plans and academic records maintained by faculty members
- To coordinate CAT activities; arrange for end semester practical examinations and check CAT /semester marks
- To identify academically weak students and arrange extra classes for them
- Coordinator for the live webcasting of the online International Conference “Green Materials and Renewable Energy” (ICGMRE 2021), 10th and 11th June 2021, SVCE
- Organising Secretary for the One Week Online Faculty Development Program (FDP) on “Emerging Trends in Energy, Environment and Nanomaterials (EEN 2020)” organised by Department of Applied Chemistry held from 24 July 2020 to 30 July 2020
- Organised a one day webinar on COVID ERA -19: STRESS MANAGEMENT & ACADEMIC CHALLENGES 25-06-2020.
- Organized One day National Workshop on Micro Scale Analysis MSA 2019.
- Received certificate of Appreciation and Acknowledgement for being the Chairperson Research (NCRACR-2019) organised by the department of Chemistry, SRM Institute od Science and Technology, Ramapuram Campus with Association of Chemistry Teachers, Mumbai on 12/09/2019.
- Received certificate of appreciation for the propitious contribution as a Judge in STAR SUMMIT held on 05/07/2017 at Saveetha School of Engineering, Saveetha University, Chennai.
- Secured Second place with my Scholar Thenmozhi K in the Faculty Research Day 2017 for the paper titled “Plant Extract Assisted Biosynthesis of Metal Oxide Nanoparticles and their Application”
- I have videographed and produce 160 video lectures of Various first year subjects for the First Year Engineering Students (2017)
- I have produced 9 DVD’s having 9 different experiments pertaining to the First Year Engineering Chemistry Lab. All these experiments were telecasted in GyanDarshan Channel. The DVD’s contain the demonstration Video of nine important Anna University prescribed experiments for the first year engineering students. (2009)
- Certificate of Appreciation from Management for producing 100% result in the End Semester Examinations for the Academic Year 2019-2020, 2018-2019, 2017-2018,2015-2016