Name Dr. C. Gopinath
Designation Professor
Areas of Interest Power Quality, Power Systems, Power Electronics , Renewable Energy Systems, Hybrid Electric Vehicles, IoT Applications , Wearable Devices, Biomedical Applications
Room No. 3010
Intercom No. 251
Mobile 9790889777
Email Id (Official)
Email Id (Personal)

Educational Qualifications:

Academic Experience
Courses Handled

Under Graduate

Research & Consultancy

Patent Granted / Filed / Published:
Patents: Filed: 14, Granted: 3; Published: 13; FER Received: 7

Sl. No. Patent title Filed at Application Number, Month and Year of filing Status
1 Surveillance Camera IPR, Kolkata Application Number: 341742-001, 01.04.2021, The Patent Office Journal No. 14/2022 Dated 08/04/2022, pp:23497 Granted , App. No. : 341472 -001, Date of Filing: 01/04/2021, Date of Publication: 08/04/2022, Notification : 08/04/2022
2 “A System and Method for Thermal Management in Automotive Seats using solar Energy “ IPR, Chennai App. No: 202041030938A, The Patent Office Journal No. 31/2020 dated 31/07/2020 pp:28762 Granted, Patent No: 360059, Date of Filing: 20/7/2020, Date of Publication: 31/7/2020, Patent Granted: 2/3/2021
3 Detachable Solar Heater IPR, Kolkata “Application Number:331189-001 18.07.2020” Submitted Reply of First Examination Report (FER) & Awaiting for Grant
4 A System and Method for Efficient Lighting in Highways (Applicant :SVCE) IPR, Chennai App.No: 202241007018, The Patent Office Journal No. 08/2022 dated 25/02/2022 pp:10922 Published & Received First Examination Report (FER) & Preparing Reply for FER
5 Electronic Device with Multiple Batteries Assigned for Multiple Specific Functions (Applicant :SVCE) IPR, Chennai App.No: 202241007374 The Patent Office Journal No. 08/2022 dated 25/02/2022 pp:10932 Published & Received First Examination Report (FER) & Preparing Reply for FER
6 A System and Method for Energy Monitoring System Based on Cloud Computing IPR, Chennai App.No: 202041033217, The Patent Office Journal No. 24/2022 dated 17/06/2022 pp:37335 Published & Awaiting for First Examination Report (FER)
7 A System and Method for Ensuring Safe Drive in the Vehicle using Pollution less Ultrasonic Horn (Applicant :SVCE) IPR, Chennai App.No: 202041050738, The Patent Office Journal No. 37/2022 dated 16/09/2022 pp:58322 Published & Awaiting for First Examination Report (FER)
8 Methods of Executing Multiple Functions by More than one Camera connected with Electronic Device IPR, Chennai App.No: 202041054945, The Patent Office Journal No. 40/2022 dated 07/10/2022 pp:63888 Published & Awaiting for First Examination Report (FER)
9 Solar Based Smart Water Purification System in the Ground Water IPR, Chennai App.No: 202041032258 The Patent Office Journal No. 32/2020 dated 07/08/2020 pp:30158 Published & Awaiting for First Examination Report (FER)
10 Wireless Fidelity with Dynamic Authentication Method IPR, Chennai App.No: 202041039079 The Patent Office Journal No. 38/2020 dated 18/09/2020 pp:41042 Published & Awaiting for First Examination Report (FER)
11 System for Monitoring and Alert user about Pandemic in Real time and Method Thereof IPR, Chennai App.No: 202041048989A The Patent Office Journal No. 47/2020 dated 20/11/2020 pp:59008 Published & Awaiting for First Examination Report (FER)
12 Electronic Device and Quick Response Code and Barcode and Theme Font based Multilocking Method IPR, Chennai 201941051990, CBR No: 41399, dated:16/12/2019 Awaiting for Publication
13 Design & Development of Precision Agro-Kiosk (PAK) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) IPR, Chennai “App.No. 201941017929 A The Patent Office Journal No. 21/2019 dated 24/05/2019 pp:21776 “ Published & Received First Examination Report (FER) & Preparing Reply for FER
14 Design and Implementation of Smart Agriculture using IoT IPR, Chennai “Application No. 201941008406 The Patent Office Journal No. 14/2019 dated 05/04/2019 pp:15401” Published

Grants Received:

S. No. Name of the Project Funding Agency Coordinators Status
1 Refresher Programme on Solar PV System Design using IoT
1. 3.3.2021 to 9.3.2021
2. 31.3.2021 to 8.4.2021
3. 5.5.2021 to 11.5.2021
“Granted Rs.3,000,00/-
2 “International E-Conference on Smart Technologies in electric Vehicles and Power Grid
27.1.2021 to 29.1.2021″
AICTE Dr.KR.Santha
“Granted (Rs.1,66,637/-)
Online Rs.50,000/-
3 Two National Workshop on ‘A Revolutionary Technology – IoT Applications in Electrical and Electronics Engineering’
3.1.2019 to 4.1.2019
Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology – Government of Tamilnadu Dr.KR.Santha
Granted Rs.20,000/-
4 National Conference on Advances in Electrical and Electronics Engineering “NCAEEE 2018”
GH Induction India Private Limited, DSP Superior Power India Pvt., Exotic Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd, Zodiac Power Solution, Maxell Marketing, Mikro Zone Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Dr.KR.Santha
Received Rs.40,000/-
5 Smart Highway Lighting System SVCE
Intramural Research Student Project Fund
Mr.S.Sanjay, Mr.V.Varun Vishal and Mr.J.Vishal Khumaar Mentor: Dr.C.Gopinath Granted Rs.10,000/-
6 Distinguished Chair
Professor (DCP) Scheme:
AICTE Prof. S. Ganesh Vaidyanathan Principal and Dr.C.Gopinath Granted
Travel Cost and Honorarium for DCP will be taken care by AICTE Honorarium of Rs.10,000/- per lecture (Max. of 5 Lectures)

Projects submitted to Funding Agencies

S.No. Name of the Project Funding Agency Amount applied Coordinators Status
1 “Techno Economic Assessment of PM KUSUM YOGANA COMPONENT A by Adapting Agrivoltaic Inter Technology Hybrid Farming System” DST SERB Rs.54,87,530/- Dr.R.Kannadasan (PI)
Dr.C. Gopinath
(Co PI)
2 Design and Development of Agrivoltaic Inter-Technology Hybrid Farming System to rejuvenate Indian Farmers adapting PM KUSUM YOGANA COMPONENT DST
Rs.60,00,000/- Dr.R.Kannadasan (PI)
Dr.C. Gopinath
(Co PI)
3 Design and Development of Avalanche Detection and Alert system using Wireless Sensor Networks DRDO Rs.14,78,400/- Dr.C.Yaashuwanth (PI)
Dr.C. Gopinath
(Co PI)
4 Design and Development of Energy- Efficient Electric Vehicle AICTE – RPS Rs. 24,99,202/- Dr.C. Gopinath (PI)
Dr.T.Annamalai (Co-PI)
Dr.R.Kannadasan (Co-PI)
5 Online – Six Day Faculty Development Training Programme Transmission and Distribution (Winter 2022) Anna University Rs.30,000/- Dr.C. Gopinath
6 Design and Implementation of Smart agriculture using IoT Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology – Government of Tamilnadu 5 Lakhs Dr.C.Gopinath
7 Solar Power Enabled Hybrid charging Station for Electric Bikes with Optimal time and cost TNSCST Science & Technology – Project Schemes Rs.4,96,000/- Dr.C.Gopinath ASP
Mr.T.Annamalai AP
8 Design and Implementation of Hybrid Renewable Energy Based Smart Highway Lighting System TNSCST student Project Scheme Rs.10,000 Mr.S.Sanjay, Mr.V.Varun Vishal and Mr.J.Vishal Khumaar
9 Smart Highway Lighting System TNSCST Innovation & Product Development Scheme Rs.50,000/- Dr.C.Gopinath “Submitted
10 Seat Coolers For Two Wheelers Tamilnadu Student Innovators (TNSI) EDII-TN, Govt. of Tamilnadu Rs.50,000/- Dr.C.Gopinath “Submitted
11 Smart Highway Lighting System Tamilnadu Student Innovators (TNSI) EDII-TN, Govt. of Tamilnadu Rs.50,000/- Dr.C.Gopinath “First Stage Ideation Shortlisted

Design and Implementation of Optimum Device Count Multilevel Inverter for Electric Vehicle TNSCST-Student Project Scheme Rs.13,700 Dr.C.Gopinath “Submitted
31 Power Quality Measurement, Analysis and Protecting Elevator Components Kone Ltd Pvt Ltd Collaboration Dr.C.Gopinath
Dr.K.Sundararaman Mr.T.Annamalai

Details of Sponsored/Public Funded Research Projects:

Sl. No. Title of Project Sponsor Name Duration of the Project Amount of Grant (Rs. in Lakhs) Applied/ Ongoing/ Completed
1 Solid State Control for Industrial Motors (UG Project) Tamilnadu state council for Science and Technology, Chennai 3 Months Rs.10,000 Completed
2 International Management Meet Asia E University Malaysia 3 Days Rs.4,00,000 Completed
3 Workshop on Nuclear Awareness Program UGC -12th Plan & NSS Cell Anna University 1 Day Rs.1,10,000 Completed
4 Computer Awareness Workshop UGC -12th Plan & NSS Cell Anna University 1 Day Rs.1,25,000 Completed
5 Awareness Program on Promoting Digital Payment in the context of demonetization Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India 1 Day Rs.10,000 Completed
6 Energy Audit and Energy Conservation Easwari Engineering College, Chennai 6 months Rs.1,00,000 Completed
7 Energy Audit and Energy Conservation Prathyusha Institute of Technology and Management, Thiruvallur 5 months Rs.70,000 Completed
8 Partial Financial Assistance for Travel grant sanctioned by for presenting my research paper at “International Conference on Power and Energy Systems (PES 2004) USA, Nov’ 28 to Dec’ 01 – 2004” Re: 448-060. Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology 3 Days Visit Rs.25,000 Granted (Due to non-availability of Visa not utilized)
9 Power Quality Improvements using Double Fed Wind Generators with protection systems. CWET 36 months 15.54 Lakhs Applied
10 Modelling and Simulation of Interline Dynamic voltage Restorer AICTE RPS 24 months 16.44 Lakhs Applied
11 Modeling of domestic wind turbines using Brushless DC Generator DST(Govt. of India) 36 months 13.49 Lakhs Applied
12 Experimental Investigations on Interline Unified Power Quality Conditioner AICTE RPS 24 months 28.53 Lakhs Applied
13 Short term training programme on Applications of Power Electronics to Power transmission and distribution systems AICTE Rs.2,00,000 C.Gopinath Submitted
14 FDP – Power Quality subject Anna University Rs.75,000 C.Gopinath Submitted
Conference / Workshop / FDP
Laboratory Handled
Training Attended
Additional Responsibilities

Details of Honors/ Awards/ Medals/ Fellowships for Outstanding work:

Sl. No. Name of the Award or Fellowship Elected/ Honorary Fellow Awarded by Year of Award
1 Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam Award for Teaching Excellence Elected Marina labs, Chennai 2016
2 Appreciation Award 100 % student online voter enrolment during tenure as a Principal. Kanchipuram District Collector 2016
3 Best NSS Unit Award Elected Anna University Chennai 2015
4 Best NSS Unit Award Elected Anna University Chennai 2016
motorchip aiflasksideasketch website toygearbiotechnologydata-complexitypromotioncomputersoftwareweb-design idea-1 creativitymicroscopechemistrymodelassemblyplay-outlined-circular-buttonpausecreative open-bookteamwork-team gaugegoallaboratory mathematicsatommechanicmicroscope-1 factory sketch-1 charitysystempistonscruise envelopefacebook-placeholder-for-locate-places-on-mapssmartphone-callold-typical-phoneuserantennacoding computers-network-interface-symbolsearchgoodwillplay-buttonpause-1 tickleft-arrow