Name | Dr.C.Anand Babu |
Designation | Professor |
Areas of Interest | Water treatment and industrial effluent treatment. Radioactive waste management. Solar Energy Utilization. Operation, maintenance, and augmentation of Boron Enrichment Plant. Separation of actinides from Fast Reactor Fuel Reprocessing Effluents. Separation of Cesium, Strontium, Lanthanides, and actinides using crown ether chemically bonded resins. Treatment of fluoride using zirconium and membranes and modeling dispersion in soil. Pyro processing of spent metallic fuel from Fast Breeder Reactors. |
Room No. | 6106 |
Intercom No. | 552 |
Mobile | |
Email Id (Official) | anandbabuc@svce.ac.in |
Email Id (Personal) |
Ph.D. – Ultra filtration for treatment of radioactive wastes(1999)
M.S. – Solar energy utilization for waste treatment (1984)
B.Tech – Chemical Engineering (1974)
Osmania University, Hyderabad.
Professinal Memberships
National Vice President-Indian Bio-shield Society
Life Member – Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers
Life Member-INS
Life Member-SAEST
Life Member-MS
Life Member-AWARE
Life Member-QCFI
Life Member-ASSET
Academic Experience
Bestowed upon the title of Professor of Homi Bhabha National Institute in November, 2006
Teaching in IGCAR training school for last six years.
Teaching in PSG college of technology for last one and half years
One year training at BARC Trng.School. (1975-76)
Joined as SO in CWMF, BARC (F) (1976 – June, 1998)
Head of Section-CTS, EDG, IGCAR (June, 1998 – September, 2004)
Head of Division-ST&HD, FRTG, IGCAR (September, 2004 to Sep 2010)
Head of Division-CT&VDD, FRTG, IGCAR (September, 2010 to May 2011)
Associate Director, CDG, FRTG, IGCAR(June 2011 to June 2012)
B Tech Courses
Chemical Reaction Engineering I
Transport Phenomena
Fluid Mechanics
Heat Transfer
Environmental Science and Engineering
Modern Separation Processes
Mechanical Operations Laboratory
M.Tech Courses
Piping and Instrumentation
Advanced Separation Processes
International Journals:
“Different modes of electrodeionization of cesium from amp-pan” IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology , Volume: 05 Special Issue: 15 | ICRAES-2016 | Sep-2016, eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308, Ch. Mahendra1 , P.M. SatyaSai, C. AnandBabu.
“Impregnation of S-layer protein isolated from extremophilic Bacillus licheniformis NARW 02 onto titanium phosphate ceramic enhances uranium removal from aqueous solution” CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 106, NO. 12, 25 JUNE 2014 R. Selvakumar1, S. Aravindh, J. Ravichandran, U. KamachiMudali, C. Anandbabu and Baldev Raj
“Extremophilic Bacillus cereus MVK04 isolated from thorium ore sample possesses Self Assembled Surface Layer Protein On Cell Wall to Resist extreme environments” has been accepted for publication in Geomicrobiology Journal. Author details: S. Aravindh, R. Selvakumar, J. Ravichandran, U. KamachiMudali, C. Anandbabu, Baldev Raj
Current-voltage characteristics in a hybrid electrodialysis-ion exchange system for the recovery of cesium ions from ammonium molybdophosphate-polyacrylonitrile Ch. Mahendraa, P.M. SatyaSaib, C. AnandBabuc Desalination, Volume 353, 17 November 2014, Pages 8-14
Development of Pyrochemical Reprocessing for Spent Metal Fuels K. Nagarajan, B. Prabhakara Reddy, SuddhasattwaGhosh, G. Ravisankar, K. S. Mohandas, U. KamachiMudali, K. V. G. Kutty, K. V. KasiViswanathan, C. AnandBabu, P. Kalyanasundaram, P. R. VasudevaRao, Baldev Raj, Journal: Energy Procedia , vol. 7, pp. 431-436, 2011
National Journals:
“Application of nanofiltration membrane and ethyleneimine oligomer mixture for selective separation of Strontium from a simulated nuclear waste solution”, Desalination and Water Treatment, Taylor & Francis, June 2013; D. Sujish, G. Mohanakrishnan, B.K. Sharma, C. AnandBabu and K.K. Rajan
“Synthesis of crown ether functionalized polyacrylamide gel beads and their extraction behaviour for strontium ions” MurugaboopathiSivanatham, ButchiVenkataRao Tata, ChinthalacheruvuAnandBabu 38(2012)8-14 DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Volume 38 Issues 1-3, 2012
“Environmental damage of hydro gel under slightly saline condition”, Indian Journal of Environmental Protection , Vol.32, Issue 6, pp. 497-503, June 2012;C.Anand Babu, RevathyK, JagdeeshC.Sunkad, Rajasekar
A comprehensive treatment method for Defluoridation of drinking water. C.AnandBabu, D.Sujish, M.S.Murugappa, G.Mohanakrishnan, P.Kalyanasundaram and Baldev Raj; Indian journal of chemical technology; vol.18, July2011, pp314-318
“Fluoride Transport due to injection of reject water from RO process into the ground water through downstream bore well “, Environ.Science&Engg. Vol. 53, No. 4, pp.409-412, October 2011; C. Anandbabu, SourabhAgarwal, D.Sujish and K.K Rajan
Attended an AICTE Sponsored short term course on “Instrumental Methods of Analysis” held at SVCE from 04th to 9th November 2019.
Attended an One day National Conference on “Technological Innovation on Clean Energy Generation and Environmental Remediation” held at SVCE on 04th October 2019.
Delivered guest lecture on the topic “Challenges in developing innovative Biotechnology Industries” National level symposium on Industrial Biotechnology at Bharath University (BIHER), Chennai on April 10th, 2018.
Delivered guest lecture provided on the topic “Application of Non conventional energy sources” at A Engineering College, Chennai on March 22nd 2017. FDP on Industrial Effluent Treatment at Nuclear Fuel Complex, Hyderabad (NFC) May 2017.
FDP on Processing of Ceramic and gel materials at International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials, ARCI, Hyderabad May 2017.
First year Class committee chairperson
HOD for Technology Innovation Centre, SVCE
PhD guide in Chemical Engineering
Design – Module Coordinator
M.Tech – Programme Coordinator
GATE Coaching
US Patent No-07976708
Japanese Patent No-5297462
European Patent EP-22056724.
PCT WO2013164840 (Patent Cooperation Treaty)
European patent EP2274075
Following rRNA sequence of the bacteria have been published in NCBI-Genbank. (National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine)
LOCUS JX469599 1406 bp DNA linear BCT 26-AUG-2012 DEFINITION : Bacillus anthracis strain NARW 11 16S ribosomal RNA, partial sequence. ACCESSION JX469599 VERSION JX469599.1 GI:401836558 KEYWORDS :SOURCE :Bacillus anthracis ORGANISM : Bacillus anthracis;Bacteria; Firmicutes; Bacilli; Bacillales; Bacillaceae; Bacillus;Bacillus cereus group.REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 1406) AUTHORS : Selvakumar,R.,Aravindh,S.,Kamachi Mudali,U.,Anandbabu,C.,Ravichandran,J., Baldev,R. and Radhakrishnan,P. TITLE : A novel extremophilic bacterial isolate from uranium mine ore
LOCUS JX469598 1413 bp DNA linear BCT 26-AUG-2012 DEFINITION : Bacillus licheniformis strain NARW 02 16S ribosomal RNA, partial sequence. ACCESSION JX469598 VERSION JX469598.1 GI:401836557 KEYWORDS :SOURCE :Bacillus licheniformis ORGANISM : Bacillus licheniformis Bacteria; Firmicutes; Bacilli; Bacillales; Bacillaceae; Bacillus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 1413) AUTHORS : Selvakumar,R., Aravindh,S., Kamachi Mudali,U., Anandbabu,C.,Ravichandran,J., Baldev,R. and Radhakrishnan,P.
LOCUS KJ399985 1406 bp DNA linear BCT 22-APR-2014 DEFINITION : Bacillus cereus strain MVK04 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence. ACCESSION KJ399985 VERSION KJ399985.1 GI:612487774 KEYWORDS :SOURCE :Bacillus cereus ORGANISM : Bacillus cereus ,Bacteria; Firmicutes; Bacilli; Bacillales; Bacillaceae; Bacillus;Bacillus cereus group. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 1406) AUTHORS : Selvakumar,R., Aravindh,S., Ravichandran,J., Kamachi Mudali,U.,Anandbabu,C., Baldevraj, Purushothaman,Y.M. and Swaminathan,K. TITLE : Extremophilic Bacillus MVK04 isolate from thorium mine ore sample