Name | S.Thamizmani |
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Areas of Interest | Control Systems Power Systems |
Room No. | Room No : 3211 EEE block |
Intercom No. | |
Mobile | |
Email Id (Official) | thamizmani@svce.ac.in |
Email Id (Personal) |
Year of completion |
Course |
Specializations |
Institution |
Percentage (In CGPA / %) |
2010 | M.TECH –
Electrical Engineering |
Computer Controlled Industrial Power | NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, CALICUT | 7. 37 |
2008 | B.E | Electrical and Electronics Engineering | GOVERNMENT COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, BARGUR
Anna University Chennai |
75.00 |
2004 | HSC | — | PRIVATE | 88.40 |
2001 | SSLC | — | DON BOSCO H.S.S
VaradharajanPET |
87.40 |
Experience: 8 years
1. Adhiparasakthi College of engineering, Vellore– Aug 2010 – Jan 2016 – 5.6 years
2. Sri Venkateswara College of engineering, Sri perumbudur – Aug 2016 – Nov 2018 – 2.4 years
Total Quality Management
Optimization Techniques
Power System Analysis
Electromagnetic Theory
Control Systems
Digital Logic Circuits
Robotics and Automation
Measurements and Instrumentation
Special Electrical Machines
Circuit Theory
Electrical Engineering and Instrumentation
Electronic Devices and Circuits
Basic of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Environmental Science & Engineering
S. No | Publications | No of publications |
1 | International Journals | 1 |
2 | International Conferences | 1 |
3 | National Conference | 2 |
A Paper published in the International journal of emerging research in management and technology entitled “Design of Fuzzy PID Controller for Brushless DC Motor” ISSN: 2278-9359 (Volume-3, Issue-4)
A Paper published in International conference (ICEETS-2013) at St. Xavier s College of Engineering, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu entitled “Real and Reactive Power Coordination for a Unified Power Flow Controller and Inter Line Power Flow” ISBN: 9781467361491 (Published in IEEE explore)
A Paper published in National conference (RTEECE15) at Sri Balaji Chockalingam Engineering College, Arni, Tamil Nadu. entitled “Design and Implementation of Grid connected Photovoltaic System using Fly back Converter with a Pseudo DC link Inverter”
Paper published in National conference (ICEE-2K13) at Jayalakshmi institute of technology, Dharmapuri, Tamil Nadu. entitled “Design of LQR based PID controller design for BLDC motor”
1.Participated in four days AICTE Sponsored Staff Development Program on “Automatic Control System Design using MATLAB/SIMULINK”
at Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST), Trivandrum.
2.Participated in four days AICTE Sponsored Staff Development Program on “Classical and Digital Controller Design using MATLAB/SIMULINK”
at Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST), Trivandrum.
3.Participated in four days “Faculty Enhancement Workshop” Conducted by Everonn Technical Education India Limited at Chennai.
4.Participated in Two Weeks AICTE Sponsored Staff Development Program on “Modelling and Analysis of Electrical Machines”
at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore.
5.Participated in One Week AICTE Sponsored Staff Development Program on “Computer Intelligence to Power System Analysis, Control & Optimization”
at Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry.
6.Three week “Industrial training” at VI Microsystems Pvt Ltd, Chennai in the following areas Microprocessor and Microcontroller,
Embedded System, PLC and Instrumentation and Power Drives.
7.Active Organizer and Participant in Five days “Automation Course” Conducted by NITC.
8.Participated in One day “Workshop on Robotics and Automation” Conducted by Dr.M.G.R University at Chennai.
FDP attended :
Participated the QIP Short Term Course on “Non Linear and Adaptive Control Design” during 12-16 June 2017. at IISC Bengaluru