
Name | Dr. R. Jayabhaduri |
Designation | Professor |
Areas of Interest | Artificial Intelligence, Bioinspired Computing, Machine Learning, Big Data Analytics, Data Analytics and Business Intelligence |
Room No. | 5114 |
Intercom No. | 311 |
Mobile | |
Email Id (Official) | |
Email Id (Personal) |
- BE (CSE) – Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi – April 2001
- ME (CSE) – Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi – May 2003
- PhD(CSE) – Anna University, Chennai – Sep 2016
Academic Experience
- Professor, November 2022 to Till date, SVCE
- Associate Professor,January 2013 to October 2022, SVCE
- Assistant Professor,August 2010 to December 2012,SVCE
- Senior Lecturer,June 2008 to July 2010,SVCE
- Lecturer, May 2003 to May 2008,SVCE
Courses Handled
PG Subjects
- CP16004 – Data Analysis and Business Intelligence
- CP7019 – Managing Big Data
- CP7003 – Data Analysis and Business Intelligence
- CS9259 – Network Security
- CP052 – E-Commerce Technologies
- CP141 – Operating System Design
- CP035 – Distributed Computing
- CP144 – Internet Programming and Tools
- CS1654 – Object Oriented System Design
- CS1657 – Database And Web Technology Lab
- CS16003 – Business Intelligence (Elective II)
- CS16603 – Artificial Intelligence
- CS6007 – Information Retrieval (Elective III)
- CS2351 – Artificial Intelligence
- CS6659 – Artificial Intelligence
- CS2060 – High Speed Networks
- CS2063 – Grid Computing (Elective)
- IT2352 – Cryptography and Network Security
- CS2353-Object Oriented Analysis and Design
- CS2351 – Artificial Intelligence
- IT1402 – Mobile Computing
- EC1008 – High Speed Networks
- CS1402 – Object Oriented Analysis and Design
- GE1X02 – Computer Programming
- CS432 – Web Technology
- CS043 – ATM Networks
- CS431 – Network Protocols, Management And Security
- CS057 – TCP/IP Design and Implementation
- CS240 – Artificial Intelligence
- CS433 – Object Oriented System Analysis and Design
- CS801 – Man Machine And Interface
- CS703 – Distributed Computing
Theory subjects
Laboratory Courses
- CS16612 – Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
- GE16161 – Computer Practices Laboratory
- GE6161 – Computer Practices Laboratory
- GE2155 – Computer Practice Lab – II
- CS2357 – Object Oriented Analysis and Design Lab
- GE2115 – Computer Practice Lab – I
- CS2209 – Object Oriented Programming Lab
- CS1205 – Object Oriented Programming Lab
- CS434 – Internet Programming Lab
- CS1305 – Networks Lab
- CS1403 – Case Tools Lab
- CS16713 – Mini Project
Current Semester Subject
- CS16611 – Aritificial Intelligence Laboratory
- CS18811 – Project Work
- IT16611 – Mobile Application Development Laboratory
Research & Consultancy
Intramural Funding
- Final year UG project Work “Image Processing-Based Machine Vision System For Datum Setting In Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Machine” mentored by Dr.R.Jayabhaduri, Professor, CSE for the team comprising Ms. Sadana U, Mr. B. Sathyavarthan and Ms.Shivanee Ramesh has been selected for Intramural Funding for an amount of Rs.10,000/- for the academic year 2022-2023
Consultancy Project
- Dr.R.Jayabhaduri Associate Professor/CS, and Ms.V.Rajalakshmi, Assistant Professor/CS along with Undergraduate CS students Mr.E.Rakesh, Ms.S. Saineha, Ms. A.Roshini,Ms.V.Sandhya,Mr.Akash Nixon, Mr.G.Rahul and Mr.S.S.Selva Balaji carried out the consultancy project “Robotic Process Automation for Document Tagging – Banking, Financial Services and Insurance (BFSI)” assigned by Cameo Corporate Services Limited, Chennai between September 10,2021 and December 10,2021 for Rs. 1,50,000/-
Funded Projects and Patents
- Ms.V.Rajalakshmi, Ms. G.R.Khanaghavalle,Dr.A.Kala,Dr. P.Sharon Femi,Dr. R.Jayabhaduri,Mr.B.Divyamsh,Mr.R. Iyyappan and Mr S.Nanda Kumar have published a utility patent titled “IOT Based WiFi Enabled Smart Gardening System” in Intellectual Property India, Application No.202341006434 A, Date of filing of Application :01/02/2023, Publication Date : 10/02/2023
- Dr.R.Jayabhaduri (PI) and Dr.N.M.Balamurugan (Co-PI), “Smart Disinfecting System For Reliable Infection Resistance” under SERB-POWER Grant, File No : SPG/2021/001050, Jan 2021, Amount Involved : Rs. 19,35,468
- Ms. Tenkayala Vasundhara, II M.E. (CS) under the mentorship of Dr.R.Jayabhaduri, Associate Professor/CS received a PG Intramural grant of Rs. 10000 for the project titled “Landmark Recognition Using Transfer Learning” for the year 2021-2022
Publication in National/International Journals
- R.Jayabhaduri, “An Evolutionary Algorithmic Approach for Single Machine Early Tardy Scheduling Problem”, Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 11, No. 6, pp. 666–673, 2015
- G.Arul Charles and R.Jayabhaduri, “An Evolutionary Algorithmic Approach for Airline Crew Scheduling Problem”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 10, no. 70, pp. 245–254, 2015
- P.Priyadhashini and R.Jayabhaduri, “Object Detection Based on Background Subtraction and Dynamic Texture Scenes”, International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR), Vol. 05, Issue 15, June 2016, pp. 2912 – 2915
- Rama Subbu Lakshmi B and Jayabhaduri R, “Automatic Discovery of Association Orders between Name and Aliases from the Web using Anchor Texts-based Co-occurrences”, International Journal of Computer Applications 41(19):23-29, March 2012. Published by Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA
Publication in National/International Conferences
- Tenkayala Vasundhara and R.Jayabhaduri, “Landmark Recognition Using Transfer Learning”, International Conference on Advanced Communication Control & Computing Technology (ICACCCT-2022), 28-30 June 2022, SIMATS School of Engineering, Chennai
- Anees Fathima A, R. Jayabhaduri, “An Intelligent Medical Decision Support System for the diagnosis of liver disease”, Interscience Research Network, International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (ICEECS) held at Coimbatore on March 17,2013
- Ponmathi M, R.Jayabhaduri, “Design of an Instructional Planner for English Tutorial System”, Interscience Research Network, International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (ICEECS) held at Coimbatore on March 17, 2013
- M.Sathya, R.Jayabhaduri, “Design of Swarm Intelligence based on Intrusion Detection System”, International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT – 2012) held at Coimbatore on April 21, 2012
- D.Sasikala, V.Rajalakshmi and R.Jayabhaduri, “Disaster Management System using Intelligent Underwater Robot” for the National Conference on Recent Advances in On- Board Ship Automation (RAOBSA 2019), Sponsored by AICTE on 26th & 27th of September 2019 at Janakiraman Auditorium, AMET Deemed to be University, Chennai.
- G.Sangeetha, R.Jayabhaduri, “Secure Resource discovery for resource bundles on computational grids”, a National Conference (ETICT 11) on Emerging Trends in Information and Communication Technology, organized by School of Computer Applications, Saveetha Engineering College held on March 19, 2011
- M.R.Sadhana,R.Jayabhaduri,”Finding Interesting Rules based on User’s interest using Ontology”,2nd National Conference on Research Issues in Computer Science and Engineering, Organised by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, RMK Engineering college during 1st and 2nd March 2011
- R.PremKolappan, R.Jayabhaduri, ” An efficient approach using K-anonymization”, National conference on Research Issues in Computer Science and Engineering, organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, RMK Engineering College on March 1 and 2,2010
- R.Jayabhaduri, M.Suganya, Design of hybrid techniques for single machine common due date scheduling problem, National Conference on Convergence of IT Research – MEPCOIT ’09, held at MepcoSchlenk Engineering College,Sivakasi on 13,March 2009
- R.Jayabhaduri, Meta-Heuristic Algorithm for Single Machine Scheduling, Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Advances in Computing (NCRAC’06’), organized by Sri Krishna College of Engineering Technology, Coimbatore, India, Dec 21-22,2006, pp 430-444
Conference / Workshop / FDP
- “A Journey into the Applications of Transformers” on 27/01/2023 for the National Level FDP (Online) On “Machine Learning & Deep Learning” organized by the department of CSE and AI&DS, CARE College of Engineering, Trichy from 23/01/2023 to 28/01/2023
- “Real World implementation of AI and exploring its effect in Day-to-Day Life” on 12/01/2023 for the two day workshop on “Readiness for the Emerging Technologies” organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering from 12/01/2023 to 13/01/2023
- “Application Of Artificial Intelligence In Everyday Life” for The Two-Day Workshop On “Readiness for the Emerging Technologies” organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering on January 12,2023
- “Real-World Implementation of AI and Exploring its effect in our Day to-Day Life” for The Two-Day Workshop On Application Of Artificial Intelligence In Everyday Life organized by the Department of Computer Science (AI & ML), Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (RGNIYD), Sriperumbudur on December 12,2022
- “Best Practices in Machine Learning” for the Faculty Development Program “Application of Machine Learning Algorithms in Aerospace Engineering” organized by the School of Aeronautical Engineering, Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research (BIHER), Chennai on 14/07/2022
- “Machine Learning using Python” for the Value Added Course for III Year ECE students organized by the department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering on 06/08/2021
- “Data Visualization In Python Using Matplotlib and Seaborn” for the Ten Day Short Term Training Programme for I B.E./ B.Tech students on “Python for Data Science”, organized by the department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering on 28/06/2021
- “Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks” for the Faculty Development Programme on “Machine Learning” organized by the department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering on 13/06/2021
- “Tables and Graphics : Using Latex” for the Faculty Development Programme on “Documentation Using Latex” organized by the department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering on 03/06/2021
- “Computer Vision With Python” organized by the department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering on 02/12/2020
- “Natural Language Processing with Python” for the two days National Workshop on “Deep Learning Simplified” organized by the department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering in association with Hexaware Technologies Limited, Siruseri, Chennai during March 11 and 12,2020
- “Basics of Python Programming” for the Six-day Faculty Development Programme on “Machine Learning & CyberSecurity” organized by the department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering held during December 9-14,2019
- “Introduction to NoSQL Database” for the two day Workshop on “Multitudinal Databases” organized by the department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering held during October 16-17,2019
- “Internet of Things : Trends, Applications and Research Directions” for National Workshop on “Internet of Things | NoSQL Databases” organized by the department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering on August 30,2019
- “Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries and Sorting Algorithms in Python” for the Six day Faculty Development Training Programme on “GE8151 – Problem Solving and Python Programming” at SSN College of Engineering on June 13,2019
- “Introduction to Genetic Algorithms, Simple GA Modeling, Multilevel Optimization and GA Operators” for the Faculty Development Programme on “Soft Computing Techniques and Their Applications” organized by the department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering on June 12,2019
- “Data Science and Machine Learning Using Python” for the Short Term Training Programme organized by the department of Information Technology, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering on April 29,2019
- “BioInspired AI” for the Anna University Faculty Development Training Programme on CS2351 – Artificial Intelligence conducted by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Chennai on November 15, 2011
- “Genetic Programming” for the AICTE Sponsored Staff Development Programme on “Artificial Intelligence” at Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Easwari Engineering College, Chennai on May 4,2010
- Ten Days Short Term Training Programme for I B.E./ B.Tech students on “Python for Data Science” from 24/06/2021 to 03/07/2021
- “Webinar on Project Management System – Agile Scrum” on 14/06/2021
- National Workshop on “Deep Learning Simplified” in association with Hexaware Technologies Limited, Siruseri, Chennai during March 11 and 12,2020
- National Workshop on “Internet of Things | NoSQL Databases” on August 30,2019
- One week Short Term Training Programme on “Transition from Machine Learning -> Deep Learning : Text, Image and Speech Processing” (MLDLTISP’18) during November 12-17,2018
- National Workshop on “Deep Learning: Text Analysis and Image Processing” (NWDLTAIP’18) on March 8th and 9th, 2018
- National Workshop on “Big Data : Streaming Analytics and Applications” (NWBDA17) in association with Aspire Systems India Private Limited, Siruseri, Chennai on March 25th,2017
- National Workshop on “Data Analytics and Business Intelligence” (NWDABI’16) in association with Cognizant Technology Solutions, Siruseri, Chennai on Dec 5th,2016 and Dec 9th,2016
- National Workshop on “Support Vector Machines: Foundations, Research Directions & Tools” (NWSVM12), SVCE on December 15th, 2012
- “Optimization Techniques and its Emerging Applications” organized by the department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore during December 19-23,2022
- “Stress Management” organized by ICT Academy at K.C.S. Kasi Nadar College of Arts and Science during December 12-14,2022
- “IPR for Teachers” organized by National Institute of Technical Teachers’ Training and Research, Chennai during November 14-18,2022
- “AI And Data Science Applications With OneAPI Heterogeneous Computing” organized in association with Intel Software and Boston Training Academy at SSN College of Engineering, Kalavakkam during February 07-11,2022
- ATAL FDP on “Nature Inspired Computing” organized by National Institute of Technology, Delhi from 19/07/2021 to 23/07/2021
- ATAL FDP on “Predictive Intelligence Models and its Applications” organized by National Engineering College from 12/07/2021 to 16/07/2021
- “Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning with Python” organized by Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Agra from 14/06/2021 to 21/06/2021
- AICTE ATAL “Operations Management” organized by Shiv Nadar University Greater Noida, Gautam Buddha Nagar UP from 19/12/2020 to 23/12/2020
- “AI in Healthcare” organized by the department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering from 14/12/2020 to 19/12/2020
- “Role of Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Cyber Security” organized by the department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering from 27/11/2020 to 28/11/2020
- AICTE ATAL FDP on “Artificial Intelligence” organized by Poojya Doddappa Appa College of Engineering, Kalaburagi from 09/11/2020 to 13/11/2020
- “Data Science” organized by the department of Computer Science and Engineering, Rajalakshmi Institute of Technology, Chennai from 24/08/2020 to 28/08/2020
- “Mathematical Modelling and Problem Solving Using SageMath” organized by the department of Applied Mathematics, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering from 04/08/2020 to 05/08/2020
- “Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Universe” organized by SEEK from July 27,2020 to July 31,2020
- “Evolving Trends in Biotechnological Research” organized by the department of BioTechnology, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering from July 27,2020 to July 31,2020
- Data Science and Machine Learning organized by the department of IT, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering from June 26,2020 to June 28,2020
- Two weeks AICTE sponsored Faculty Development Programme on “Deep Learning for Image and Text Analysis” organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering at SSNCE during 13/11/2017 – 25/11/2017
- Faculty development workshop in SMAC (Social,Mobility,Analytics,Cloud) at Cognizant Technology Solutions,Siruseri on February 27,2013
- AICTE Sponsored Staff Development Programme on Recent Trends in Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai during the period 02/07/012 to 07/07/2012
- Faculty Development Training Programme on CS2351 – Artificial Intelligence conducted by CS department of Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Chennai from 14th to 21st November 2011
- “Simulation and Modeling on Networks and Distributed Systems” at SVCE from Dec 10 – 12,2003
- “Optical Communication Networks for the Next Generation Internet” at SVCE from March 8 – 19,2004
- “Nano Computing” at SVCE from 22-Nov -2004 to 03-Dec-2004
- Online 3-Day Faculty Development Programme on “Exploring Next Generation Smart Solutions (ENGSS 2023)” organized by the department of Information Technology, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai during March 6 – 8, 2023
- Online Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) & Patents and Design filing” conducted by Institution Innovation Council (IIC-SVCE-KAPILA SCHEME) of Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering in association with Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Intellectual Property Management (RGNIIPM), Government of India, Nagpur on 30th January 2023
- AICTE Sponsored Workshop on “Gender Audits in Higher Education Institutions: The Why and How?” under the Distinguished Chair Professor Scheme organized by Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering on 27th and 28th January 2023
- Two days Seminar on “Innovative Practices for Quality Enhancement through IQAC in Higher Education Institutions” in collaboration with National Assessment and Accreditation Council at RMK Engineering College, Kavaraipettai, Gummidipoondi Tauk, Thiruvallur District – 601206 during October 28,2022 and October 29,2022
- One-day National Level Virtual Workshop on Quantum Cryptography on 16-11-2021organized by the Department of Information Technology, SSN College of Engineering, Kalavakkam on November 16,2021
- International Webinar on Blockchain 101 on June 06,2020 organised by the department of Information Technology, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering.
- Pre-Conference Workshop on Image and Video Analysis – IVA 2020, part of IFIP ICCIDS 2020 – 3rd International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Data Science organized by the department of Computer Science and Engineering & Machine Learning Research Group, SSN College of Engineering, held on February 20,2020
- Remote Data Acquisition of Wind Turbines at i-Fox Renewables & Infra Private Limited, Udumalpet during May 13-17,2019
- Two days Workshop on “Block-chaining and IoT” organized by the department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering during October 15-16,2018
- Two days Workshop on “Python Programming” organized by the department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering during October 11-12,2018
- Two days National Level Workshop on Image and Language Processing using PyTorch (ILP – 2018) organized by the department of Computer Science and Engineering, SSN College of Engineering, Kalavakkam during September 26-27,2018
- Short Term Training Programme on “Wind Turbines Controller at Vels Wind Power, Aralvaimozhy from May 14, 2018 to May 19, 2018
- AICTE Sponsored Two-Day National Seminar on Deep Learning for Big Data Analytics held during 09/11/2017 – 10/11/2017 organized by Dept. of IT, SVCE
- One day Technical Seminar on “Embedded Software Safety and Security” organized by LDRA Technology Private Ltd, Bengaluru at Le Royal Meridien, Chennai on 25/10/2017
- 4th Machine Learning Research Group Workshop on “Text analysis and Information Extraction & Retrieval (TIER-2017)” organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering at SSN College of Engineering, Kalavakkam on 22/09/2017 and 23/09/2017
- One day Hands-on Workshop on “Setting a Private Cloud using Open Nebula” on 22/08/2017 organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SVCE
- Training programme on “Wind Farm Analytics” at Eye power WEG service, Aralvaimozhy from May 16, 2017 to May 20, 2017
- Two days workshop on “Implementation on CloudSimandHadoop” organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering atSVCE from February 5 to February 6,2016
- One Day Workshop on Research Methodology, Techniques of writing Research articles for SCI Journals for Research Scholars at Anna University,Chennai on 12/12/2014
- Two days workshop on “The Next Era of Big Data Analytics” organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore during August 8 – 9, 2014
- Workshop on Large Scale Machine Learning organized in association with Ericsson Research at SVCE on November 13th & 14th November 2013
- One day workshop on “R&D Project Proposals-Awareness,Needs and Benefits” organized by Centre for Technology Development and Transfer, Anna University, Chennai on 28th June 2013
- One day workshop on “JAVA/J2EE Technologies” Organised by Department of Computer Science and Engineering at SVCE on 28,October 2010
- Two days workshop on Python for Scientific Computing at SVCE from 22-23 April 2010
- MULTI-CORE COMPUTING Workshop at Anna University on 14th-17th December 2009
- One day workshop on “Workshop for Researchers on Soft Computing” held at Dr.Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi on 10,October 2009
- Three days Workshop on “Intelligent Systems and Control” at SSN College of Engineering from 18-20, December 2008
- Two days hands on training and workshop on “IBM Cell Architecture and Programming” at SSN College of Engineering during 12-13 September, 2008.
- National Workshop on Pervasive Computing and Adhoc Networks (NWPCAN 06) held on Jan 27 & 28, 2006 at SVCE
- National workshop on “Object Oriented Design and UML” held on Nov 10 & 11,2005 at SVCE
- “Network Security” held on Nov.18 & 19,2003 at SVCE
- Bio Medical Applications Using Deep Learning organized by the department of IT, Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana in association with Pantech E Learning on July 16,2020
- Brain Computer Interface Robot organized by the department of CSE, Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana in association with Pantech E Learning on July 12,2020
- Introduction to Bagging- An understanding of Random Forest, organized by the department of IT, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering on July 11,2020
- EVOLUTION OF JAVA IN 25 YEARS by McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt. Ltd. on July 7,2020
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-A Sky Boon organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering on July 4,2020
- Lean Manufacturing in Automobile Industry – Case Study organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering on June 27,2020
- Machine Learning Basics : Amazon SageMaker from Amazon on June 26,2020
- Optimum Cyber Security functions required for an Organization, organized by the department of IT, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering on June 26,2020
- Deep Learning in Machine Vision System for Quality Control : Trends and Challenges organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering on June 25,2020
- Webinar on Web Application Security organized by the department of Computer Science and Engineering, Loyola Institute of Technology on June 12,2020
- International Webinar on BLOCKCHAIN 101 organized by the department of IT, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering on June 6,2020
- Leveraging Technology in Education by McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt. Ltd. On April 23,2020
- Lecture on “Towards Explainable AI” from NPTEL on April 22,2020
- Lecture on “Biology and AI” from NPTEL on April 16,2020
Laboratory Handled
Training Attended
Additional Responsibilities
Current Responsibilities – College Level
- Bus Incharge for Route No. 15
- Curriculum Incharge for B.Tech Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Course from June 2022 to till date
- Department Consultative Committee Member from June 2021 to till date
- Faculty advisor for Batch 2019-2023(Roll Nos 85-99,308-310)
- Project Coordinator for Batch 2019-2023
- Vacation Roster Incharge
- Class Committee Chairperson (Batch 2021-2025)
Current Responsibilities – Department Level
Previous Responsibilities
- Project Coordinator (Batch 2014-2018,2015-2019,2016-2020,2017-2021,2018-2022)
- Faculty advisor for UG and PG students (Batches 2000-2004,2007-2011, 2010-2014, 2013-2015,2015-2019
- Lab Incharge for CS-Lab4 from June 2008 to July 2022
- Evening Stayback duty Incharge from June 2014-June 2022
- Academic Objective Incharge from Dec 2012 to Dec 2015
- Incharge for University Exam Result Analysis from June 2009 – Dec 2015
- Member of Academic Monitoring Committee at college level for AY 2014-2015
- Coordinator for I UG and II UG students for AY 2014-2015
- Research Co-ordinator& Research Objective Incharge from June 2014 to October 2014
- Team comprising the following final year CS students Abdul Rehman I, Adityan V, Jagadeswaran and Barath Kailash, mentored by me, won the First place in the Umagine 2023 (Chennai Region) TechShowcase, Nalaiya Thiran Initiative organized by ICT Academy in association with The Department of Information Technology & Digital Services, NASSCOM, IBM, TNSDC and Anna University at St Joseph Institute of Technology on March 4,2023 for the project titled “Industry-Specific Intelligent Fire Management System”.