
Name | Nivethaa Shree K, M.E. |
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Areas of Interest | Machine Learning, Cloud Computing |
Room No. | Room no:11-005 |
Intercom No. | Extn:361 |
Mobile | |
Email Id (Official) | |
Email Id (Personal) |
- M.E[Computer Science and Engineering], SSN College of Engineering, Chennai
- B.E[Computer Science and Engineering], Jerusalem College of Engineering, Chennai
Academic Experience
- Working as Assistant Professor in Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering , Since June 2012
Industry Experience
- Worked as Software Engineer in HCL Technologies, Chennai.
Courses Handled
- Artificial Intelligence
- Programming and Data Structures
- Computer Graphics
- Cryptography and Network security
- Fundamentals of Computer Programming
- Database Management System
- Web Technology
- Computer Programming
- Programming and Data Structures Lab
- Computer Graphics Lab
- Computer Programming Lab-I & II
- Database Management System Lab
- Web Technology Lab
Research & Consultancy
International Journals
- Harikamba Yandamuri and K.Nivethaa Shree,”Predicting the Pregnancy Outcome in SLE affected women using Recurrent Neural Network”,International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews,E-ISSN 2348-1269, P – ISSN 2349-5138
- K. Nivethaa Shree and N. Uma,”Behavioral Boimetrics For Continuous Authentication In Smartphones”,An International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology, ISSN:2320-0790,2016.
National Journal
- Latha Parthiban, Nivethaa Shree, “Using Modified Stern Series for Digital Signature Authentication in Elliptic Curve Cryptography”, ICTACT Journal on Communication Technology, Vol 2, Issue 4, 2011, pp 452-456.
Conference / Workshop / FDP
International Conference
- Presented paper on “Knapsack Based ECC Using Stern Series for Digital Signature Authentication” at the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Electrical and Computer Technology (ICETECT), ISBN 9781424479252 conducted by St. Xaviers Catholic College of Engineering, on 24th March 2011 and published in IEEE Xplore digital library.
National Conferences
- K. Nivethaa Shree,N. Uma,”Behavioral Boimetrics For Continuous Authentication In Smartphones”,Proceedings of National Conference on Communication and Informatics 16, April 2016.
Workshops Attended
- Attended FDP on “Digital in Manufacturing” on 17th Nov 2018 at Cognizant Technology
- Attended Two days AICTE sponsored workshop on Big Data Analytics in Deep learning during 9th -10th Nov 2017.
- Attended One day Workshop on “Graph Theory and its Applications in Engineering” Organized by Department of Applied Mathematics, SVCE on 28th June 2017.
- Attended FDP on “Digitalization and its Impact” on 20th May 2017 at Cognizant Technology.
- Attended Workshop on “Cloud computing”, on 25th June 2017 Organized by Department of Information Technology.
- Attended One day Workshop on “Data Science” Organized by Department of Information Technology, SVCE on 13th June 2017.
- Attended Workshop on “Data Analytics” during 5th June – 7th June 2017 Organized by Department of Information Technology.
- Attended FDP on “Grid and cloud computing” during 7th– 14th August 2014.
- Attended Two Week ISTE Workshop on “Computer Programming” conducted by IIT Bombay, from May 20th to June 21st,2014.
- Attended One day Workshop on “Cloud Computing”, at VIT Chennai on 27th March, 2014.
- Attended Eleven days Workshop on “ETHICAL HACKING & COMPUTER FORENSICS” at Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering.
Laboratory Handled
Training Attended
Additional Responsibilities
- Roster In charge
- SS lab Incharge
- School Children visit Incharge
- Faculty Advisor for UG III year B sec(Roll No:68-83)