About Us

Automotive Research Cell of Department of Automobile Engineering is well equipped with advanced testing facilities to carryout research work in stationary engines, automotive engines and components of automotive vehicles. The performance, combustion and emission characteristics of engines with various automotive fuels (Diesel, Petrol, Bio-Diesel, etc) can be obtained using state-of-the-art Research facilities.


Chassis Dynamometer is installed to carry out the performance test for the measurement of brake power, acceleration, fuel consumption, stopping distance, etc., on Two, Three & Four wheelers. It is equipped with regenerative dynamometer & Indian driving cycle and it can be operated in various modes viz., warm up mode, RLS mode, motoring mode and calibration mode.

Chassis Dynamometer facilitates the measurement of power up to 96 kW and can be operated with a maximum speed of 155 kmph and inertia simulation range 120 to 3200kg.


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