
EEE was founded in 1884 with Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison among its charter members. Today, IEEE serves over 400,000 members worldwide. Over 100,000 Student and Graduate Student members worldwide make up 25% of the membership of IEEE and are essential to its continued growth and vitality. Not only is IEEE the world’s largest technical and professional society, it also publishes a significant amount of the electrical engineering and computer-science literature in the world.

IEEE worldwide membership is geographically divided into ten Regions. These Regions are further divided into Sections that serve as the centers of activity for professional engineers at the local level. SVCE Student Branch falls under R10 and the local section is IEEE Madras Section.IEEE is the world's largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.

IEEE opens the door to opportunities that will help you develop your professional identity in IEEE's designated fields of interest: sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). In addition to accessing a range of membership benefits, you'll make global connections with people who can help you along your targeted career path through IEEE's international community of members and volunteers.

IEEE offers student awards, competitions, and other opportunities to get actively involved.

  1. IEEEXtreme Programming Competition
  2. Student Branch Awards
  3. Scholarships, grants, and fellowships
  4. IEEE Student Professional Awareness (SPAx) for Regions 1-6
  5. IEEE Student Professional Awareness (SPAA) Programs for Regions 7-10
  6. Student voting in IEEE elections
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