About Us

The Music Club of SVCE is a dynamic environment consisting of like-minded people who come together to explore their passion for music. It provides a platform for individuals to express themselves at various levels. The club was founded in 2016 and has played a key role in shaping young artists and motivating them to hone their skills. Events such as Battle of Bands, Solo Vocals, Solo Instrumental, etc. are conducted as part of SVCE's in-house cultural events- 'HIGHWAYS' and 'CALIBRATIONS'. Additionally, the club conducts several jam sessions and weekly open mics- Tune-In Tuesdays, where aspiring musicians, songwriters, and music producers come forward to showcase their talent. The Music Club of SVCE currently has over 90+ enthusiastic members who together, aim at exploring the plethora of opportunities in music and uplifting each other in the process.

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