Enrolment of Volunteers to RRC-SVCE Unit for AY: 2019-2020. CIRCULAR

Enrolment of Volunteers to RRC-SVCE Unit for AY: 2019-2020.


Ref.No: RRC/02/2019-2020

1st Aug, 2019

The Red Ribbon Club at Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering came into effect from 15/09/2006. Its objective is to educate youth with correct, concise and adequate information and heighten their level of awareness about HIV AIDS, STI, prevention of drug abuse and drunken driving.

All our SVCE students are members of RRC-SVCE unit. To know more details about RRC-SVCE Unit and it’s activities refer https://www.svce.ac.in/redribbon/index.html. Now we are in the process of enrolling the volunteers to RRC-SVCE Unit for AY: 2019-20. Interested students are requested to enrol their name in person to the RRC coordinator Dr. S. Prabhu, Associate Professor, Department of Biotechnology at Room No 12-110 first floor.

Link for RRC Registration Form :https://forms.gle/TAq3xvqXsPnTACGA6

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