There will be Grievance Redressal Committees at the Department / Institute / Central level to deal with the grievances of the students and staff.

Department level Grievance Redressal Committee will be as under:

Head of the Department - Chairman

Up to 3 (three) faculties to be nominated by the Head of Department

This committee will deal with the Grievance related to Academic and Administrative matters of the Department.

Institute level Grievance Redressal Committee will be as under:

Dean (Students’ Welfare) - Chairman

Up to 5 (five) senior faculties to be appointed by the Head of Institute as members

This committee will deal with all the Grievances directly which is related to the common problems at Institute level both Academic and Administrative. In addition, this committee will also entertain the appeal filed by the student against the decision of the Department level committee.

Central Grievance Redressal Committee will be as under:

This committee will deal with all the Grievances directly which is related to the common problems at institute level both Academic and Administrative. In addition, this committee will also entertain the appeal filed by student against the decision of the Institute level committee.

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