Research Activities
June- 2018
- Third International Conference on Functional materials (ICFM- 2018) was organized by Department of Physics, SCSVMV, Kancheepuram in association with Department of Applied Physics, SVCE during 25th – 26th June 2018.
- A.Bhaskaran , Professor and Head, chaired the session and the following members were presented their research papers.

May 2018
Mr. S. Ramesh and Mr.S.Sankaran attended a Workshop on Workplace Improvement , SVCE
Apr 2018
Ms. S. Kalpana presented a paper,Photocatalytic degradation of Methylene blue dye of Cr doped ZnOnanorystals" for the "Int ernational conference on emerging trends in engineering, science, and sustainable technology "IETSST-2018
Mar 2018
Ms. S. Kalpana presented a paper, " Photocatalytic Properties of Chromium doped Zinc oxide nanoparticles for Photocatalytic applications:” in 2nd International conference on recent trends in analytical chemistry (ICORTAC-2018)
Feb 2018
Mohan Raj attended a Internal Auditor Training for ISO-9001:2015 held at SVCE.
Jan 2018
Dr. A. Anandavadivel attended a India-U.K. workshop on Thermo electric materials for waste heat harvesting. JNCASR, Bangalore.
Dec 2017
Dr.A.Bhaskaran, Prof and Head, Dept of Applied Physics, as the Chief Guest and Inaugurated the “Science Fair” at Maharishi International School, Thiruverkadu
Nov 2017
Dr.A.Bhaskaran , Dr.S. Sampathkrishnan and S. Kalpana have attended the Two Weeks FDP on “Stem cell characterization and advances in its research and applications”, SVCE
Dr.A.Bhaskaran , delivered a Guest Lecture in DST-SERB sponsored National seminar on, “Advances in Polymers and Plastics – Applications in Engineering and Technology” S.A. Engineering College, Chennai 56
Dr.A.Bhaskaran and S.Kalpana have attended a Two days seminar on “Challenges and recent developments in welding of Non-Ferrous alloys” SVCE
Oct 2017
Dr. N.R.Sheela received a Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam Award for Young Scientist
Dr. A. Anandavadivel organised a Guest Lecture on, “Space Physics and Mission” by Prof. Rajmal Jain, FRAS,FGAS, KSV Univ, Gujrat
Dr.N.R.Sheela attended a One Day National workshop on concept development for inspiring innovations to bind Science and Society, AMET University
Sept 2017
Ms.G.Bharathy presented a paper in 4th National conference on Materials for Modern World.
August 2017
23rd August 2017 – Prof. Roy Vellaisamy, Professor in Physics and Materials Science, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, delivered a talk on “Introduction to Wearable Electronics”, organized by the Department of Applied Physics in association with Department of ECE.
19th August 2017 – An Industrial visit to Amirthi Forest , Vellore was organized by A.Bhaskaran, Prof. & Head, Applied Physics for IT A and IT B students (II Year).
8th August 2017 - P.V.Ramachandaran, Purdue University, USA, delivered a talk on “ Recent Advancements in Chemical Engineering”, organized by the Department of Physics in association with Department of Chemical Engineering.
1st August 2017 - S.Swarna Sowmya, Research Scholar in Department Physics was awarded Ph.D., degree under the guidance of Dr.S.Sampath Krishnanat Anna University.
July 2017:
20th - 21st July 2017 – Ms.S.Kalpana has attended a Two day workshop on “Characterization of Materials “ at Sri Sairam Institute of Technology, Chennai.
20th - 21st July 2017 – Dr.K.Raju has attended a Two day workshop on “Characterization of Materials “ at Sri Sairam Institute of Technology, Chennai
28 th July 2017 - “One Day National Level Workshop on Recent Advances in Instrumentation Techniques”
June 2017:
31st May – 2nd June – Mr.S.Ramesh has participated in the 3 days workshop on Animation and Videography for supporting staff conducted by Department of Information Technology at SVCE.
31st May – 2nd June – Mr.S.Sankaran has participated in the 3 days workshop on Animation and Videography for supporting staff conducted by Department of Information Technology at SVCE.
9th June 2017- Dr.S.Sampathkrsishnan has been appointed as a Warden in-charge for SVCE Hostel.
Ms.G.Bharathy has Published a research paper titled as” Quantum Computational and Molecular docking studies of 2-{2- [(2,6-dichlorophenyl)amino]phenyl}acetic acid based on density functional theory” in Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities Vol. 7, No. 6, June 2017, pp.395-427.
May 2017:
23rd – 24th May 2017 – Dr.S.Sampathkrishnan has presented a paper in the “International Conference on Energy environment and advanced materials for a sustainable future” held at Kongu Engineering College, Erode.
April 2017:
1st April 2017 – Dr.A.Bhaskaran has taken over the in charge as Head of the Applied Physics Department.
31st May – 1st April – Ms.G.Bharathy has presented a paper in the 5th National Conference on Hierarchically Structured Materials (NCHSM 2017), held at SRM University, Ramapuram Campus, Chennai.
31st May – 1st April – Dr.N.R.Sheela has presented a paper in the 5th National Conference on Hierarchically Structured Materials (NCHSM 2017), held at SRM University, Ramapuram Campus, Chennai.
5th - 6th April - Ms.S.Kalpana has attended a National Conference on “Signal Processing, Communication and Networking” conducted by Department of ECE, SVCE
26th April 2017 – Faculty Research Day was celebrated.
27th April 2017 - Mr. Santhana Krishnan was awarded Ph.D., degree under the guidance of Dr.S.Sampath Krishnan at Bharathiyar University.
Dr.K.Raju has published a research paper titled as “Effect of heavy metal pollution on groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) cultivar – A Spectroscopic study”, in Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences, 11(4) PP:120-122
March 2017
Dr.A.Bhaskaran Chaired the international conference on Functional Materials (ICFM- 2017) held during MARCH 2nd and 3rd , organized by the department of Physics, SSVM University, Kanchipuram, India
Dr.K.Raju attended a one day workshop on "Nano science and Nano engineering" held at SVCE and organised by IEEE Student Branch on 7th March 2017.
February 2017
Charanya, C., Sampath Krishan,, &Balamurugan, N.,(2017) “Quantum mechanical analysis, spectroscopic (FT-IR, FT-Raman, UV-Visible) study, and HOMO-LUMO analysis of (1S,2R)-2-amino-1-phenylpropan-1-ol using Density Functional Theory”Journal 0f Molecular Liquids Vol. 231 PP.116–125
K.Raju presented a paper entitle “Effect of Heavy Metal Pollution on Groundnut Cultivar- A Spectroscopic the national Conference on Research and Development in Science , Engineering and Technology (NCRDEST'17) held during 25th Feb 2017,organized by St.Anne's College of Engineering and Technology, Panruti-607110, The above paper won a Best Paper Presentationand got an appreciation with a cash prize award of Rs.4000.
January 2017
G.Bharathy attended three day workshop on interpretation of instrumental method (WIN 2017) (UV,TGA,DSC,BET surface area Particle size distribution , Zeta potential Measurement, Contact angle measurement), organized by Department of Chemistry, Sathyabama University, Chennai on 5th -7th January 2017
N.R.Sheela attended Workshop on Advanced Functional materials, Organized by Department of Physics, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai on 3rd – 4th ,January 2017
P.Gangadharan ,Sampath Krishnan. S.(2017) ”Corrosion inhibition studies and Solvation Analysis of Pyridine N-oxides by Polarizable Continuum Model method” Journal of advances in Chemistry Vol 13. No 5 PP 6196-6201
Year 2016
SwaranaSowmya N has submitted Ph.D Thesis under the guidance of Dr.S.Sampath Krishnan at Anna University on December 2016.
A.Anandavadivelattended international Symposium on solid state Chemistry held at Jawaharlal Nehru centre for advanced Scientific research, Bangalore on 1st – 3rd December 2016.
Kumutha,R., Sampath KrishnanS., Rubarani. P.Gangadharan., ThirumalaiKumar,M., (2016) “Structural and spectral studies on benzoyl Thiourea based on DFT calculations,Journal of Advances in Chemistry, Vol.12 No 13.pp. 4826-4844
Kumutha,R.,SampathKrishnan,S.,(2016) “Vibrational Spectra, Nbo, Homo-Lumo Analyses Of Furfural Semicarbazone,Journal of Advances in Chemistry, Vol.12 No 13.pp. 4845-4859
A.A.Anandavadivel attended symposium on “ Excellence in Research” organized by Indian Association of Physics Teacher (IAPT) XXXI annual IAPT National Convection 2016 ( Gandhinagar) and hosted by Department of Physics Shree M.M Patel institute of Science and research , KadiSarva Vishwavidyalaya, Gandhinaga, Gujarat on 20 to 22nd October 2016
Rubarani.P.Gangadharanwas awarded Ph.D., degree under the guidance of Dr.S.Sampath Krishnan at Anna University on September. 2016
Ms. Swarana Sowmya N has submitted Ph.D synopsis under the guidance of Dr.S.Sampath Krishnan at Anna University on 24th September 2016.
Anna University Chennai has selected Dr. A.Anandavadivel as one of the best Programme Officer-NSS among the TN state Engineering institutions
Dr.A.A.Anandavadivel attended one day National level workshop on Material synthesis and its Characterization organized by the Department of Physics, Saveetha Engineering College in associated with IAPT on 17th September, 2016
AUGUST - 2016
N.Balamurugan was awarded Ph.D., degree Under the guidance ofDr.S.Sampath Krishnan at Anna University on August 2016
Sampath Krishnan, S & Kalpana Rajan, S., (2016) “ effect of Gadolinium on the properties and photo – catalytic application of ZnO nano Crystals” “, Journal of advances in Chemistry, Vol.12 , PP 4290-4294
Dr.A.Anandavadivel – delivered special lecture on “ Non – Ionizing Radiation hazards in mobile communication at Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayeed College for Women on 12 August 2016
Charanya, C., Sampath Krishan, S., & Balamurugan, N.,(2016) “ Natural bond orbitial (NBO) , Natural Population analysis, Mulliken analysis of atomic charges of L . Alaniuim Oxalates, Spectroscopy and Spectral analysis, Vol 36, No 8, PP 2721-2724
Krithivasan, R., Brahadeeswaran.S., Santha, KR., Sampath Krishnan, S., Senthil, T.s., (2016) “Structural and Electrical properties of ZnO nanorod based dye sensitized solar cell “, Journal of advances in Chemistry, Vol.12 , PP 4275-4280 Aug 2016
JUNE 2016
B. Krithivasan, R., Brahadeeswaran.S., Santha, KR., Sampath Krishnan, S., Senthil, T.s., (2016) “Structural and Electrical properties of ZnO nanorod based dye sensitized solar cell “, Journal of advances in Chemistry, Vol.12 , PP 4275-4280 Aug 2016
Ms. Rubarani.P.Gangadharan has submitted Ph.D thesis under the guidance of Dr.S.Sampath Krishnan at Anna University on June 2016
Mr. V.Santhana Krishnan has submitted Ph.D thesis under the guidance of Dr.S.Sampath Krishnan at Anna University on June 2016
MAY 2016
Ms.R.Kumutha was awarded Ph.D degree Under the guidance of Dr.S.Sampath Krishnan at Anna University on May 2016
APRIL 2016
MS.G.Bharathy presented a paper in the National Conference on "Advances in Humanities, Physical & Mathematical Sciences" held at S.A.Engineering college on April 2016
Balamurugan, N., Sampath krishnan, S., Charanya,C., (2016) “Natural Bond Orbital (NBO) , Natural Population Analysis, Muliken analysis of Atomic Charges of 2-((2,3- Dimethylphenyl) Amino} Benzoic Acid” Spectroscopy and Specreal analysis , Vol 36, No 4 PP 1273-1276.
MARCH 2016
Balamurugan N., Sampath Krishnan, S., Charanya C., (2016) " Vibrational Spectroscopic study of N-(4-(1-Hydroxy 2-((1-Methyl ethyl) Amino) Ethyl) Phenyl) Methane Sulfonamide Crystal structure of 2- Phenyl- ethanminium 3- Carboxprop- 2-enoate” Spectroscopy & Spectral analysis Vol 35 No 3 PP 880-886
Dr.N.R.Sheela participated in International Conference on Recent Advances In Applied sciences held at St. peters university on February 2016.
Swarna Sowmya,N., Sampath Krishnan, S.Sudhahar S.,Krishnan kumar, M., & Mohankumar R., (2016) “Synthesis, growth, structural, optical, thermal, dielectric and mechanical studies of piperidinium p-nitrophenolate signal crystal “ Optik, Vol 127, PP 3024-3029
Mr.S.Harikrishnan attended “one Day Faculty Development Programme on Basic Science and Humanities” held at Agni College of technology on January 2016.
JULY 2015
Mr. S.Harikrishnan joined as Assistant Professor in our department on July 2015
Guest Lecturer Dr. V.N. Mani, Centre for materials for electronic Technology (C-MAT), Hyderabad delivered a lecture on Role of semiconductor crystals wafers preparation, class clean processing & VLSI Technologies for fabrication of advanced opto & Nano electronic devices required for select strategic space, defense & solar cell applications- A bird’s eye view. 0n 24 July 2015.
Ms.S.Renuka was awarded Ph.D degree Under the guidance of Dr.S. Muthu at Anna University on July 2015
Ms.Elamurugu Porchelvi was awarded Ph.D degree Under the guidance of Dr.S. Muthu at Anna University on Feb. 2015
Mr.T.Rajamani was awarded Ph.D degree Under the guidance of Dr.S. Muthu at Bharathiar University on Dec. 2014
Ms.J.Uma Maheswari was awarded Ph.D degree Under the guidance of Dr.S. Muthu at SCSVMV University,Kanchipuram on Sep. 2014
Mr.A.Prabhakaran was awarded Ph.D degree Under the guidance of Dr.S. Muthu at Bharathiar University on Sep. 2014
Mr.G.Ramahandranwas awarded Ph.D degree Under the guidance of Dr.S. Muthu at Bharathiar University on Sep. 2014
Mr.M.Prasth was awarded Ph.D degree Under the guidance of Dr.S. Muthu at Manonmaniam Sundaranar Univ on Feb 2014
Mr. Isac Paulraj was awarded Ph.D degree Under the guidance of Dr.S. Muthu at Manonmaniam Sundaranar Univ on March 2014
Ms. N.R. Sheela was awarded Ph.D degree Under the guidance of Dr.S.Sampath Krishnan at Bharathiar University on Feb. 2014