  1. Mr.S.Arun Senthil, IV year student mentored by Mr.N.Arun Prem Anand, Asst.Professor, has been selected under AICTE-INAE Travel Grant Scheme to present a technical paper on Comparitive Performance Analysis of Industrial Scale Catalytic Steam Reformer with Membrane Steam Reformer in 28th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Graz, Austria.
  2. Mr. SANJAI. S, of II year III semester B section , Department of Chemical Engineering has presented a paper a entitled "ZnO & DOPED NANO PARTICLES: SYNTHESIS ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY AND FOOD PACKAGING APPLICATIONS" in The INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FUNCTIONALMATERIALS [ICFM - 2018] held during June 25-26 , 2018, organised by the Department of Physics, SCSVMV, Enathur, Kanchipuram, in association with the Department of Phyics,Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Sriperumbudur and Recieved best Paper Award.

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