
Know-I Research Club

Know-I research forum aims at imparting and enhancing knowledge in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, Deep learning, and Computer vision for the students of Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering. One of the priorities is to encourage students to get involved in research-based activities. To achieve this, the forum has an exuberant team consisting of faculty and students to organize competitions, workshops, project presentations, etc. The club acts as a platform for the students, faculty, and industry experts to share their experiences and work collaboratively to provide intelligent solutions for real-world problems.

Faculty Incharge of Know-I Current Academic Year 2024-2025

Office bearers of the Academic year 2024 - 2025

Raagapriya J K AI-DSIV President
Gayathri MohanRaju AI-DSIV Vice President
Aravindhan S SCSEIV-A Treasurer
Prajithpaavan K AI-DSIV Secretary
Sahana SAI-DSIV Research Lead
Archana GCSEIV-A Tech Lead
Athish G BAI-DSIVSponsorship Director
Abhinavkrishna M AAI-DSIV Mentor Director
Balaji BCSEIV-A Mentor Director
Shreemirrah A K AI-DS IV-A Mentor Director
Sathiya A AI-DS IV-A Mentor Director

Previous Academic Year Details

Previous Academic YearAnnual Reports
2023-2024 Know I Annual Report - 2023-2024
2022-2023 Know I Annual Report - 2022-2023
2021-2022 Know I Annual Report - 2021-2022
2020-2021 Know I Annual Report - 2020-2021
KNOW –I Research club Activities- 2019-2020
AY 2019 – 2020 (ODD SEM)

Event #1

Inauguration of KNOW-I (Artificial Intelligence) research club for the Academic year 2019 – 2020 on 13th August 2019 followed by a Guest Lecture on ‘Process for Technology Innovation by . Dr. Nalinkanth V Ghone, Professor, Dept of Chemical Engineering, SVCE.

Event #2

Guest Lecture on Industrial Adoption and Applications of Artificial Intelligence on 21st August 2019 by Mr. Jayakumar Gopalan, Vice President of Technology, Netomi (formerly

Event #3

Brain Computer Interface Workshop on 17th of September by Mr. Abhishek Panda, Project Associate at Center for Brain Research, IISc Bangalore.

Event # 4

‘Know Your Code’ - Coding Contest. Know Your Code was a 3-Week Online event conducted by the Know-I club under the Computer Science Department of SVCE during the weekends of September 2019. The Online event was hosted on the Hackerearth website.

AY 2019 – 2020 (EVEN SEM)

Event #5

‘UNARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE’, interdepartmental quiz on artificial intelligence 25 Feb 2020

Event #6

Intra departmental Artificial Intelligence project competition Feb - Mar 2020

Event #7

‘Ideathon 2020’ – Interdepartmental ideathon competition March 2020

Event #8

Online Coding Competition March 2020

AY 2018 - 2019

1. Google’s Machine Learning Crash Course (MLCC) study jam One of the Google’s latest offerings in collaboration with NITI Aayog is MLCC Study Jams

Course facilitator: Mr. Venkatesh Umaashankar, Senior Researcher, Ericsson Research

Course Initiation Date: 4-Oct-2018

Participants: II year, III year CS students

Number of participants: 102

Topics covered:

Week 1 topic: Introduction to Python, Strings in Python

Week 2 topic: Lists in Python

Week 3 topic: Dictionaries, File Handling

Week 4 topic: Regular Expressions, File System, Running External processes, Exception Handling

Week 5 topic: Object-Oriented Programming in Python

Week 6 topic: List Comprehensions, Lambda functions, Decorators, Multiprocessing

2. Mini Project competition for II yr and III yr CS students

Domain: Artificial Intelligence, Web Application Development, and Mobile Application Development

Date: 1-Dec-2018 to 1-Jan-2019

Number of teams registered: 31

Number of participants: 50 students

3. A guest lecture on “Big data, Data Analytics and IOT in real time applications” on 1-April-2019 between 9.30 am to 11.30 am by Mr.Inigo Solomon, Software Developer, EbmPapst

AY 2017 – 2018

The forum was initiated in March 2018

1. Workshop on ‘Essential of Applied Machine Learning’

Guest Speaker: Mr. Venkatesh Umaashankar, Senior Researcher, Ericsson Research, Chennai

Guest Speaker: Mr. Girish Shanmugam S, Software Engineer, Interview Desk.

Date: March 29, 2018

Participants:II year, III year CS students and faculty members

Number of participants: 42 students + 12 faculty members

Events participated and achievements

motorchip aiflasksideasketch website toygearbiotechnologydata-complexitypromotioncomputersoftwareweb-design idea-1 creativitymicroscopechemistrymodelassemblyplay-outlined-circular-buttonpausecreative open-bookteamwork-team gaugegoallaboratory mathematicsatommechanicmicroscope-1 factory sketch-1 charitysystempistonscruise envelopefacebook-placeholder-for-locate-places-on-mapssmartphone-callold-typical-phoneuserantennacoding computers-network-interface-symbolsearchgoodwillplay-buttonpause-1 tickleft-arrow