List of MoUs signed between SVCE and Industries/Organisations:
S:No | Industry Name | Mou Signed in Academic Year | Duration of MoU | Brief Details of Industry Linkages | |
List of active MOUs | |||||
1. | M/s. M/s. Experteze (USA) | 2022 - 2023 | 3 Years | To promote collaborative research, Industry oriented courses, Internships for students, Skill oriented training (for students, faculty and staffs) and Joint training programs/workshops | |
2. | M/s. Next Big Innovation Labs Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru | 2022 - 2023 | 3 Years | To train students in Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Genomics, Systems Biology and other related areas | |
List of MOUs completed | |||||
1. | M/s. Entrayn Education Technologies Pvt | 2019-2020 | 3 Years | To conduct Test – Prep program for GRE and provide learning materials for preparation. | |
2. | M/s. Manya – The Princeton Review | 2018 - 2019 | 3 Years | To conduct Test – Prep program for GRE, TOFEL and IELTS. | |
3. | M/s. ABAN Infrastructure Ltd | 2016 - 2017 | 3 Years | Collaborative research work in the areas of Biofuel Technology, Bioenergy from algae and microbes. | |
4. | M/s. Valingro Exponenta Private Limited, Chennai (Springboards) | 2016 - 2017 | 1 Year | Popularization of Engineering Courses of SVCE to the School Children. | |
5. | M/s. Springboards, Chennai | 2015 - 2016 | 1 Year | SATY Summer Camp for School Children. | |
6. | M/s. Manya – The Princeton Review | 2015 - 2016 | 3 Years | To conduct Test – Prep program for GRE, TOFEL and IELTS. | |
7. | M/s. VClinBio Private Limited, Chennai | 2014 - 2015 | 3 Years | Drug design & delivery and analytical chemistry. | |
8. | M/s. Malcolak Knowledge Center, Hyderabad | 2014 - 2015 | 3 Years | R&D programmes beneficial to scientific community and industry. | |
9. | M/s. Cognizant Technology Solutions | 2013 - 2014 | Till date | Students Scholarships Tuition fee for one PG 1st year and 2nd Year. | |
10. | M/s. Bioklone Biotech Private Limited, Chennai | 2013 - 2014 | 2 Years | R&D programmes and workshop/ short term training/ conferences. | |
11. | M/s. BrainWave Biosolutions Limted, Chennai | 2013 - 2014 | 2 Years | R&D programmes and workshop/ short term training/ conferences/ usage of computational facility at SVCE. | |
12. | M/s. Kumar Organic Products Limited, Bangalore | 2012 - 2013 | 7 Years | R&D programmes beneficial to scientific community and industry. | |
13. | M/s. Innovative Health Care Limited, Chennai | 2012 - 2013 | 7 Years | R&D programmes beneficial to scientific community and industry. | |
14. | Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai | 2012 - 2013 | 2 Years | Promoting educational, research and knowledge transfer programme. | |
15. | M/s. London South Bank University, UK | 2012 - 2013 | 6 Years | Co-operation, collaboration and exchange of academic, research programmes, faculty and students. |
Department of Biotechnology signed Mou with VClinBio, SRU
A memorandum of understanding between SVCE and VClinBio was signed by Dr.R.parthiban, Principal,SVCE and Dr. Subbu Apparsundaram, CSO, VClinBio.A team comprising Dr.R.parthiban, Principal, Dr. M.Sivanandham, Director-Research and Dr. G. Baskar AP/AC visited VClinBio.The thrust areas for mutual cooperation identified are drug design & delivery and analytical chemistry. Subsequent to MoU signing Dr. Subbu Apparsundaram, CSO and Dr. Goyal, advisor,VClinBio visited SVCE. They visited the Biotechnlogy, Chemical, Applied Chemistry departments and TIC. They were impressed with the research facilities available especially in the bioprocess, immunology, control and instrumental methods of analysis labs.
SVCE signed MoU with Springboards, Chennai
A memorandum of understanding between SVCE and Springboards was signed by Prof. M. Sivanandham, Secretary, SVEHT, Chennai and Mr. K.S. Kirushnamani, Director, Valingro Exponenta Private Limited, Chennai for conducting Popularization of Engineering Courses of SVCE to the School Children on 31st August, 2016. Prof. S. Ganesh Vaidhyanathan, Principal, SVCE, Prof. E. Nakkeeran, Professor/HOD-BT and Mr. S. Ravichandran, Manager, Springboards were present during the MoU signing.
Department of Biotechnology, SVCE signs MoU with BioKlone Pvt Ltd
Prof. Muthukumaran Sivanandham, Principal, SVCE and Dr. K. Rajeshwari- Managing Director, BioKlone Pvt Ltd signed the MoU. Prof..Sulochana Somasundaram - HOD, Dr. S. Prabhu - Associate Professor, Dr. Nalinkanth V. Ghone - Associate Professor attended the meeting on 23/01/2014 .

Institutional Animal Ethical Commitee (IAEC) of SVCE
Ministry of Environment and forest has updated the details of Institutional Animal Ethical Commitee (IAEC) of SVCE in their website under the Status of Registered Establishments. Prof. Muthukumaran Sivanandham, Principal, SVCE,Dr.B.Ravindra Babu, Manager, Biotechnology pilot plant,Kumar Organic Product Limited, Bangalore signed the MoU witnessed by Dr. Sulochana Soma Sundaram, Professor/Head BT/SVCE and Dr.E.Nakkeeran, Associate Professor BT/SVCE. Prof. Muthukumaran Sivanandham, Principal, SVCE,Mr.K.M.Sakthivel, Director Innovative Healthcare Private Limited signed the MoU witnessed by Dr. Sulochana Soma Sundaram, Professor/Head BT/SVCE and Dr.S.Prabhu, Associate Professor BT/SVCE.
Department of Biotechnology, SVCE signs MoU with Brainwave Biosolutions Pvt Ltd
Prof. Muthukumaran Sivanandham, Principal, SVCE and Dr. C. Kannan Janakiraman - CEO, Brainwave Biosolutions Pvt Ltd signed the MoU. Prof..Sulochana Somasundaram - HOD, Mr. M. Vaithianathan - Head - Content Services, Brainwave Biosolutions Pvt Ltd, Dr. S. Prabhu - Associate Professor, Dr. E. Nakkeeran – Associate Professor, Dr. Nalinkanth V. Ghone - Associate Professor, Mr. P. K. Praveen Kumar - Assistant Professor and Mr.S. Naga Vignesh - Assistant Professor attended the meeting on 03/04/2013.

Prof. Muthukumaran Sivanandham, Principal, SVCE, Dr.B.Ravindra Babu, Manager, Biotechnology pilot plant,Kumar Organic Product Limited, Bangalore signed the MoU witnessed by Dr. Sulochana Soma Sundaram, Professor/Head BT/SVCE and Dr.E.Nakkeeran, Associate Professor BT/SVCE.
Prof. Muthukumaran Sivanandham, Principal, SVCE,Mr.K.M.Sakthivel, Director Innovative Healthcare Private Limited signed the MoU witnessed by Dr. Sulochana Soma Sundaram, Professor/Head BT/SVCE and Dr.S.Prabhu, Associate Professor BT/SVCE