Video Lectures

The video lectures for various courses in the Electrical and Electronics Engineering discipline is available for students, faculty and in common for stakeholders access. These video lectures support flipped learning to improve student learning outcomes.

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Course CodeCourse NameVideo Lecture Link
EE18151Basic Electrical and Electronics EngineeringClick Here
EE18301Electron Devices and CircuitsClick Here
EE18303Electrical Machines - IClick Here
EE18505Digital Signal ProcessingClick Here
EE16701Special Electrical MachinesClick Here
EE16702Protection and SwitchgearClick Here
EE16704Industrial Automation and NetworkingClick Here
EE18402Digital Logic Circuits (rename)Click Here
EE18404Analog ElectronicsClick Here
EE18601Power System Operation and ControlClick Here
EE18602Electrical DrivesClick Here
EE16019Electrical Generation and UtilizationClick Here
EE18603Industrial Automation and NetworkingClick Here
EE18501Power System AnalysisClick Here
MG16851Principles of Management (rename)Click Here
EE18304Control SystemsClick Here
EE18551Principles of ManagementClick Here
EE18153Electrical Machines and DrivesClick Here
EE18601Power System Operation and ControlClick Here
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