
(Academic Year (2022 - 2023)

S. No.AuthorsTitle of the paperJournal NameYearVolume No., Issue No., page Nos./ DOIImpact FactorIndexing
1Shivadharshini A, Snekha SL, Vignesh V, KR. Santha, Sasikala M, Sudhakar BharatanDesign and fabrication of miniaturized DC-DC converter on silicon substrateMaterials Today: Proceedings, Vol.80 (2) pp 1632-16372023Click the link 2.59 Scopus
2Nanda Kumar S and Nalin Kant MohantyModified Golden Jackal Optimization Assisted Adaptive Fuzzy PIDF Controller for Virtual Inertia Control of Micro Grid with Renewable Energy.Symmetry, Vol 14, Issue-9, page no19462022Click the link 2.94 Web of Science - SCIE
3K. Vijayakumar, G. Premsunder A. Joseph Basanth , R.KarthikeyanA Soft Magnetic Composite Blank for Switched Reluctance Motor:Vibration and Acoustic Noise StudyJournal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies2022Click the link 2.6 Scopus
4Rishi Kumar D, Yuvakishore K, Vignesh P, Sasikala Muthusamy, Sudhakar BharatanModeling and simulation of Ga2O3 thin film solar blind UV photodetectorMaterials Today: Proceedings (Available in online)2023Click the link 2.59 Scopus
5Mr.S.Sudharsanam,Mrs.Sasikala,Dr.Sudhakar.KBSimulation of Molybdenum Disulfide based MOSFET Device using COMSOL Multiphysics softwareJournal of Physics: Conference Series2022doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2312/1/012057 0.21 Scopus
6D.S.Purushothaman and Dr.KR SanthaArtificial Neural Network with Optimized FOPID for Speed Control of Sensorless BLDC Motor DriveAn International Journal of Cybernetics and Systems2022Click the link 1.859 Web of Science - SCIE
7G. Anand · T. Thyagarajan · D. Kokila · C. KamalDesign optimization of giant magneto resistance-based magnetic nanoparticle detection in liquid samples for biomedical applicationsJournal of Nano Particle Research, Article No.24, 166 (2022).2022Click the link 2.5 Web of Science - SCIE
8Kannadasan, R (Alsharif, MH; Jahid, A; Kelechi, AH)Green IoT: A Review and Future Research DirectionsSymmetry, Vol. 15(3), pp 757, 202314Click the link 2.7 Web of Science - SCIE
9Kannadasan, R (Logeshwaran, J; Kiruthiga, T; Vijayaraja, L; Alqahtani, A; Alqahtani, N; Alsulami, ASmart load-based resource optimization model to enhance the performance of device-to-device communication in 5G-WPANElectronics, Vol. 12(8), pp. 1821; 202315Click the link 2.9 Web of Science - SCIE
10Kannadasan R (K Kanchana; Alsharif, M H; Geem, Zong Woo)Design and Modeling of Modified Interleaved Phase-Shifted Semi-Bridgeless Boost Converter for EV Battery Charging ApplicationsSustainability, Vol. 15, no 3, 2712, 202316Click the link 3.9 Web of Science - SCIE
11Raju, Kannadasan (Venugopal, G; Udayakumar, AK; Balashanmugham, A; Houran, MA; Alsaif, F; Elavarasan, RM; Alsharif, MH;Fault Identification and Classification of Asynchronous Motor Drive Using Optimization Approach with Improved ReliabilityEnergies, Vol. 16, no 6, pp. 2660, 202317Click the link 3.2 Web of Science - SCIE
12Kannadasan, Raju (Kumar, D; Chauhan, YK; Pandey, AS; Srivastava, AK; Kumar, V; Alsaif, F; Elavarasan, RM; Islam, M; Alsharif, MH)A Novel Hybrid MPPT Approach for Solar PV Systems using Particle Swarm Optimization Trained Machine Learning and Flying Squirrel Search OptimizationSustainability, Vol. 15(6), pp. 5575, 202318Click the link 3.9 Web of Science - SCIE
13Kannadasan, Raju (Suresh, K; Alqahtani, A; Rajasekaran, T; Kumar, MS; Ranjith, V; AN; Khan Arfat A)Enhanced Metaheuristic Algorithm-Based Load Balancing in a 5G Cloud Radio Access NetworkElectronics, Vol. 11(21), 2022, pp. 361119Click the link 2.9 Web of Science - SCIE
14Raju, Kannadasan (Kumar, K K; Dinesh, PM; Rayavel, P; Vijayaraja, L; Dhanasekar, R; Kesavan, Rupa; Khan, Arfat A; Wechtaisong, C; Haq, MA;Brain Tumor Identification Using Data Augmentation and Transfer Learning ApproachComputers, Materials & Continua20Click the link 3.1 Web of Science - SCIE
15Kannadasan, Raju (Selvi, E; A Malaiyalathan; Karthi, G; Thinakaran, K; BN Mohanan; W, Chitapong; Khan, AASuspicious Actions Detection System Using Enhanced CNN and Surveillance VideoElectronics, Vol. 11(24), pp. 4210, 202221Click the link 2.9 Web of Science - SCIE
16Raju, Kannadasan (Kumar, A; Venkatesh, J; Gaur, N; Alsharif, M; Jahid, Abu) Analysis of Hybrid Spectrum Sensing for 5G and 6G WaveformsElectronics, Vol. 12(1), pp. 138, 202322Click the link 2.9 Web of Science - SCIE
17Kannadasan, Raju (Ponmalar, S Joshibha; Prasad, Valsalal)An improved intelligent technique for maximum power point tracking under partial shading conditions of photo voltaic systemJournal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, DOI: 10.3233/JIFS-220892, 2022. 23Click the link 2 Web of Science - SCIE
18Kannadasan, Raju (J Arunnehru; S Thalapathiraj; Sekar, Vi; Ravikumar, D; Loganathan, V; Khan, AA; Wechtaisong, C; Haq, MA; Alhussen, A)Target Object Detection from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Images Based on Improved YOLO AlgorithmElectronics, Vol. 11, pp. 2343, 2022,24Click the link 2.9 Web of Science - SCIE
19Kannadasan, Raju (Arunnehru, J; T, Sambandham; D, Ravikumar; V, Loganathan; Khan, AA; Haq, Mohd A; A, Mohammed; A, M Ibrahim; K, Ismail;Machine Vision-Based Human Action Recognition Using Spatio-Temporal Motion Features (STMF) With Difference Intensity Distance Group Pattern (DIDGP)Electronics, Vol. 11, pp. 2363, 2022.25Click the link 2.9 Web of Science - SCIE
20Kannadasan, Raju (L Vijayaraja; R Dhanasekar; K Rupa; Venkatesan, K; Saminathan, R; Sudhakaran, M; Alsharif, MH; Geem, Zong W; Hong, J;A Case Study on Renewable Energy Sources, Power Demand, and Policies in the States of South India-Development of a Thermoelectric ModelSustainability, Vol. 14, no. 14, pp. 8882, 202226Click the link 3.9 Web of Science - SCIE
21Kannadasan, Raju (P, Lakshmana P; Dash, SS; Dwibedi, RK; Raj, MD; Savio, Max F; Alsharif, MH; Kim, James H)Harmonics Minimisation in Non-Linear Grid System Using an Intelligent Hysteresis Current Controller Operated from a Solar Powered ZETA ConverterSustainabiltiy, Vol. 14 (12), pp. 7028, 202227Click the link 3.9 Web of Science - SCIE
22Kannadasan, Raju (Balamurugan, Nagaiah Mohanan; ; Alsharif, Mohammed H; Uthansakul, Peerapong)A Novel Forward-Propagation Workflow Assessment Method for Malicious Packet DetectionSensors, Vol. 22, no. 11, pp. 4167, 202228Click the link 3.9 Web of Science - SCIE
23Kannadasan Raju, (Venkatesan C, Mohammed H. A, Mun-KKim, Jamel N)Role of Hydro Generation in Indian Power Grid to Challenge the Uncommon Load Patterns during CrisisEnergy Strategy Reviews-Elsevier Volume 49, September 2023, 10114029Click the link 8.2 Web of Science - SCIE
24Raju Kannadasan (P Pandiyan, S Saravanan, K Usha, Mohammed H. A,Mun-Kyeom KTechnological Advancements toward Smart Energy Management in Smart CitiesEnergy Reports-Elsevier Volume 10, November 2023, Pages 648-67730Click the link 5.2 Web of Science - SCIE
25Dr R J Venkatesh, N.Juliet , Dr. A. Nalini, Dr E. Sheeba PercisIoT- Enabled Cyber Physical Systems detection approaches and distribution of cyber attacksNeuro Quantology2022Click the link-1
Click the link-2
26Hasan, Inamul; Joshi, Siddharth; Subbaya, K. M.; Naveen Kumar Elangovan. Developments in Perovskite Materials Based Solar Cells: In Pursuit of Hysteresis Effect, Stability Issues and Lead-Free Based Perovskite MaterialsNanoscience & Nanotechnology-Asia 12 (3), 46-612022Click the link 0.9Scopus


Papers Published in International Journals = 22

(Academic year 2020-21)


Name of the

 Faculty Member(s)

Title of the paper, Journal Name, Vol. No, Issue No, , Pages , Month & Year of publication

Impact Factor



S.S. Sethuraman

Dr. KR. Santha

“A Modified Topology of a High Efficiency Bidirectional Type DC-DC Converter by Synchronous Rectification” , Journal - Electronics, Volume 9, Issue 9, pp. 1-30,  (ISSN: 2079-9292) October 2020 .



D. Amudhavalli;

DrNalin Kant Mohanty


"Quadratic Boost Converter with integrated Energy Storage using PI controller for Low Power Photovoltaic Applications ", Journal of Control Engineering and Applied Informatics, Vol 22, Issue 3, pp 50-61, ISSN 1454-8658 October 2020



S.S. Sethuraman

Dr. KR. Santha

“Non-isolated enhanced gain of DC-DC converter for DC micro-grid applications” in an online Early view of the journal “International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems” (ISSN: 2050-7038) October 2020.



 S.F  Vasiyullah,

Dr. S.G.Bharathidasan

Profit based unit Commitment of Thermal Units with Renewable Energy and Electric Vehicles in Power Market Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, SPRINGER,October 2020DOI: 10.1007/s42835-020-00579-3




“Highest Voltage Sag and Swell Compensation Using Single Phase Matrix Converter with Four Controlled Switches”, Przegląd Elektrotechniczny (Electrical Review) Article in Press (Scopus) ,December 2020





“Evaluation of Lightning Impulse Voltages Superimposed with Oscillations and Overshoot using the Test Voltage Function” , ADBU-Journal of Engineering Technology, Volume 9, Issue 2, December, 2020, 009021488(7PP) (UGC Approved)



Dr. R. Kannadasan

Short Term Power Dispatch Using Neural Network Based Ensemble Classifiers,Journal of Energy storage-Elsevier, Vol. 33, January 2021, 102101,



Dr. R. Kannadasan

Investigation on Sizing of Voltage Source for a Battery Energy Storage System in Microgrid with Renewable Energy Sources, IEEE Access, 13 October 2020, Vol. 8, pp. 188861 - 188874, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3030729.



Dr. R. Kannadasan

An Evaluation on Wind Energy Potential using Multi-Objective Optimization-based Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm III, Sustainability, october2021, 13(1), 410;



Dr. R. Kannadasan

Sensorless Parameters Estimation of VFD Based Cascade Centrifugal Pumping System Using Automatic Pump Curve Adaption Method.

Energy Reports-Elsevier, 7 (2021) 453–466,



Dr. R. Kannadasan

Development of High Gradient ZnO Arrester Material for high voltage applications,  IEEE Access,

8, 115685–115693



Dr. R. Kannadasan

An Assessment of Onshore and Offshore Wind Energy Potential in India Using Moth Flame Optimization, Energies

2020, 13, 3063; doi:10.3390/en13123063.



Dr. R. Kannadasan

A Holistic Review of the Present and Future Drivers of the Renewable Energy Mix in Maharashtra, State of India. Sustainability 2020, 12, 6596; doi:10.3390/su12166596.



Dr. R. Kannadasan

COVID-19: Impact analysis and recommendations for power sector operation, Applied Energy-Elsevier

279 (2020) 115739,



Dr. R. Kannadasan

Design of Rotor Blades for Vertical Axis Wind Turbine with Wind Flow Modifier for Low Wind Profile Areas,


2020, 12, 8050; doi:10.3390/su12198050



Dr. R. Kannadasan

Techno-Economic Investigation of Wind Energy Potential in selected Sites with Uncertainty Factors,


2021, 13, 2182.



Dr. R. Kannadasan & C.Venkatesan

Optimal Cost aware Paradigm for Off grid Green Cellular Networks in Oman, Computers, Materials & Continua  (Accepted for Publication.)



Dr.Nalin Kant Mohanty


Integration of CFA2FB control scheme with modified shunt active line conditioner (MSALC) connected distribution system for mitigation of harmonics, "International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems” Online ISSN:2050-7038 DOI: 10.1002/2050-7038.12652, October 2020



Dr.Nalin Kant Mohanty

“ A Flexible Rung Ladder Structured Multilevel Inverter”  Technical Gazette, volume 27, issue 4, Pages 1044-1049, ISSN 1330-3651,  November 2020



Dr.Nalin Kant Mohanty

 “A new tapped sources stack succored modified HX bridge MLI, “Circuit World”  Publisher Emerald Publishing Limited ISSN: 0305-6120, December 2020



S.S. Sethuraman

Dr. KR. Santha

Modified high-efficiency bidirectional DC–DC converter topology. J. Power Electron. 21, 257–268 (2021).



Dr. KR. Santha (Athappan.M/ECE )

Area-Delay Efficient Fixed Stage Carry Skip Adder , International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol. 29, No. 7, (2020), pp. 3609-3617


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