

National Institute of Ocean Technology and Indian National centre for Ocean information services jointly organized a Ship visit for Students, Faculty, Research scholars and scientist on 24th June 2023 from 10AM TO 12PM.Dr.A.Sankaran and Mr.A.Mohan, Faculty of Marine Engineering department accompanied the students for the ship visit. The familiarization of ocean deployed equipments like satellite tracked drifting buoy, Argo float, Vertical microstructure turbulence profiler, Autonomous underwater gliding vehicle, The underway conductivity-Temperature-depth system was given to all the Participants.It was a nice exposure for the Marine Engineering cadets to visit the ship and gain some profound knowledge on the operation of ships.




First year students of Marine Engineering actively participated in the “Disaster awareness and management training” organized by Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organization (SSSO) authorized by Government of Tamilnadu on 17th December 2022


First year students of Marine Engineering department attended the Soft skill placement training program conducted by spring board from 5th December 2022 to 10th December 2022.


Report on Refresher Course for NCC Officers held at OTA, Kamptee (1st - 30th March 2022)

Refresher Course for NCC Officers was conducted at the Officers Training Academy (OTA), Kamptee near Nagpur, Maharashtra State. The course was held from 1st March 2022 to 30th March 2022 for the NCC officers from all over India across various NCC Directorates. Military Training was given to the NCC Officers on various subjects such as Physical Exercises, Parade Training, Weapon Training, Rifle Firing, Rifle Drill, Instructional Design and delivery of NCC subjects and Military subjects. Watermanship training such as boat pulling of Duct Keel (D.K) Whaler boat, Rigging of Enterprise Class Dingy Sailing Boat and Operation of Engine operated Power boat was also given. Towards the end of the training, assessment tests were conducted to examine the proficiency of Officers. Physical Proficiency Test was conducted with 2.4 Kms running within 17 minutes, followed by 5 Metres shuttle run, followed by 12 push ups and followed by 20 Bent Knee sit ups. Drill test was conducted in the parade ground and assessment was made. Those officers who could not pass the Physical Proficiency test and Drill test were given additional training and another chance was given to them for passing the test. Written examination on various subjects covered during the course and general knowledge was conducted for 3 hours. Based on the performance of the officers in the various assessment tests conducted, I have secured the Overall First Position among the NCC Navy Officers (Senior Division) from various colleges in India. However, as another NCC Navy Officer from Junior Division also scored First Position among the Officers from various schools, he was given the First Position and I was awarded Second Best in Merit, Navy.




The Department has been awarded the highest grade “A1”(Excellent ) by the Recognized Organization approved by Directorate General of Shipping, Government of India during the Comprehensive Inspection held on 7th February 2022.It will be valid for next three years subject to annual verification.

Reports - 2021

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January 2019


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