Funded Projects And Patents

Projects Submitted to Funding Agencies

Sl. No.DeptName of the Faculty / StudentFunding AgencyResearch topicAmount (Rs. in Lakhs)
1MARGURUSAMY V (As a co-investigator)Department of Atomic EnergyMicrostructure Evolution and Mechanical Properties Studies on P91 steel GMAW(PulsedMode) Weldments.15.00
2MARGURUSAMY V (As a co-investigator)Department of Atomic EnergyMicrostructure and Mechanical properties of Wire and Arc Additive Manufactured (WAAM) Titanium alloys using Cold Metal Transfer (CMT) process and Optimization of Process Parameters15.00

Patents Granted and Published

Mr. Karthic Kumar, Assistant Professor, Marine Engineering Department was granted with International patent on " Plastics and non recyclable packing materials converted to a useful product " with Patent number 2021100983 on 21st April 2021

Dr. A. Sankaran Assistant Professor, Marine engineering department has published National patent titled Multi function heat transmission simulator with AI & Machine learning "on 17-Sept-2021

Mr. R. Karthic kumar, Assistant Professor, Marine engineering department has published National patent titled "Modeling and simulation of self balancing solar energy storage system" on 01-Oct-2021

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