Revenue Generated through Consultancy and Laboratory testing by Welding Research Cell
Academic Year | Revenue Generated in Rs |
2015-16 | 10,000 |
2016-17 | 33,000 |
2017-18 | 18,332 |
2018-19 | 39,523 |
2019-20 | 10,000 (in-progress) |
S. No. | Work | Person Name | College Name | Receipt No and date | Consultancy Charges |
1 | Wire Arc Additive manufacturing of steel | Mr VV Narayana Reddy | NIT Warangal | MF/R/21/5356- 13.08.2021 | 25,000 |
2 | Wire Arc Additive manufacturing of stainless steel | Mr PS Gowtham | PSNA College of Enginering | MF/R/21/5440- 27.08.2021 | 15,000 |
4 | CMT welding of Nickel Alloys | Mr Nithyandan | Panimalar Engineering College | MF/R/21/5474- 01.09.2021 | 5664 |
5 | Wire Arc Additive manufacturing of Nickel Alloys | Mr Salman Khan | Annamalai University | MF/R/21/5664- 09.09.2021 | 10000 |
6 | Wire Arc Additive manufacturing of stainless steel | Mr M Bhomminathan | PSNA College of Enginering | MF/R/21/6970 - 14.12.2021 | 3000 |
7 | Wire Arc Additive manufacturing of stainless steel | Mr VV Narayana Reddy | NIT Warangal | MF/R/21/7210- 01.01.2022 | 5000 |
S. No. | Work | Person Name | College Name | Receipt No and date | Consultancy Charges |
1 | Wire Arc Additive manufacturing -308 L | Mr Gowtham | PSNA College of Enginering | MF/R/20/3977- 19.02.2021 | 22,500 |
2 | Cladding Using 308 L | Jeeth Kumar | PSNA College of Enginering | MF/R/21/4683- 16.03.2021 | 9,000 |
4 | CMT and TIG welding of Aluminum | AKash | Rajalkshmi Engineering College | MF/R/21/4766- 18.03.2021 | 2550 |
5 | Dissimilar Welding of Aluminum Grade | S Deivendran | Mahatma Insttute of Engg and Tech | MF/R/21/4927- 22.03.2021 | 2800 |
Consultancy Works Carried Out 2018-19 Total Revenue Generated: Rs. 39,523
S.No. | Title of the Work | University /Institute | Revenue Generated in Rs. |
1 | CMT welding of Stainless steel and Inconel | NIT, Warangal | 8500 |
2 | Grain refinement through the addition of Al-Ti-Boron in Butt welded Al6351-T6 Alloys | GVP College of Engineering, AP | 5,100 |
3 | Joining of Inconel and Stainless Steel using Cold Metal Transfer Welding process | NIT, Warangal | 25,423 |
4 | Steel chair welding | Dept. of HSS | NV of Rs 600 |
5 | Pergola in the pathway (12 Frames) welding | SVCE | NV of Rs 72,000 |
6 | TIG welding for Project Work | Dept. of Mech | NV of Rs.1,000 |
7 | BAJA Vehicle construction | Dept. of Aut | NV of Rs. 2,000 |
8 | Microscopic study on Drill bits | Dept. of Mec | NV of Rs.1,200 |
9 | Additive Manufacturing using CMT welding | Dept of Mec | NV of Rs. 25,000 |
10 | Testing using Metallurgical Microscope | Dept. of Mec | NV of Rs. 2,000 |
11 | Welding work in Badminton Post | Dept of PED | NV of Rs. 1,000 |
12 | Repair of cooking vessels | Canteen | NV of Rs. 500 |
13 | TIG welding of Bio-materials | MS Project | NV of Rs 1,000 |
14 | Microscopic study of Automobile grade materials | Dept. of Mec | NV of RS 2,000 |